Friendship is Magic (Part 2)

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"Ugh, can we please get this over with?! Trixie has better things to do than waste her time watching Twilight acting deluded out of a silly story!"

"Just because she acted a bit over the top doesn't mean she's deluded!" Rainbow Dash called back.

"Oh, really?" Trixie replied in a sarcastic tone, before then switching back to her normal voice. "And just how does this help exactly? This only proves that Twilight really is a bookworm without friends or magic to her name."

The six friends looked at her anger, with Rainbow Dash seemingly ready to jump at her at any moment.

"Not exactly." Flash called out. "Like Sunset said, this is apparently before she gained her title, and it did give us a look into her world, or at least part of it."

"Well said, Mr. Sentry." Principal Celestia responded. "And must I say, I was quite intrigued by the lore of that story from the beginning."

"Just the story or because apparently, you're the protagonist of it?" Vice-Principal Luna then asked, making her sister blush.

"*ahem* Additionally, I suspect this could be of significance later." Celestia continued, ignoring the smug smile on her sister's face. "After all, that "Discord" did say that this showcases the moments that shaped Twilight's life."

Sunset smiled at this as the students began murmuring and chatting about this.

"She's right." Sunset said, calling everyone's attention. "This is just the beginning, so let's just continue and see what happens."

"Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie said excitedly as she resumed the episode.

(The scene opened with an overhead view of the Equestria landscape, followed by a shot of a pegasus-drawn, flying gold chariot that carrying Twilight and Spike.)

"Okay, yeah! No that's fine. Nothing wrong there! I don't see, I dontseeanythingwrongwiththat." Lyra said, reacting to physics suddenly not mattering anymore.

On the other hand, Rarity was getting starry-eyed over the sight of the chariot.

"Okay, how... how does that even work?" Micro Chips wondered as he and some of his techie friends were understandably baffled by this.

"I don't know, dude. But all I have to say, is that it looks radical!" Sandalwood added.

"My dear Twilight," Spike read to a unenthused Twilight. "There is more to a young pony's life than studying." The camera shifted to a closer profile of the chariot; the two pegasi pulling it were white stallions in gold livery and shoes. They had two-tone blue tails and matching crests on their helmets. "So I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location, Ponyville."

"Hoho! Those dudes look awesome!" Rainbow Dash said as she caught sight of the pegasus guards, "Just look at that armor!"

"Yeah, Celestia's guards do tend to look good in those armors." Sunset chuckled with a smile.

"Oh, so they are part of the royal guard too?" Rarity asked. "My, my! Traveling like royalty even before becoming the princess... oh, Twilight, I envy you!"

"Is it safe to say only high class... "ponies'' use them more often than regular folks?" Bon Bon asked, receiving a nod from Sunset. "Then I guess what Rarity said isn't that far off."

As Spike continued reading the letter, the clouds parted to reveal a pleasant-looking small town of wood-frame, thatched-roof buildings bordered by a stream and mountains, with a fenced fruit orchard on one side.

"Well, I must say, that place sure looks cozy." Applejack said admiringly, especially when the orchard came into view. "Sure does look like the type of place I wouldn't mind livin' in."

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