Friendship is Magic (Part 3)

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The scene opened showing the surprise party in full swing.

"*gasps* A SURPRISE PARTY!" Pinkie cried out excitedly. "Maybe this is what Twilight needs to not be such a grumpy horse all the time!"

"Pony." Sunset corrected.

"Still, that's a lot of ponies. I wonder who invited them." Lyra mentioned.

"Good question" Bon Bon said. "Isn't Twilight new to this town? I don't think she knows any of those ponies..."

She thought for a moment before turning to Sunset. "Unless ponies do 'Welcome Parties' to anyone?"

"Not that I would know of." The flame haired girl answered. Of course, It's not like she had been to many parties in the past, but still...

"Not to mention, you're wrong, Bon Bon!" Pinkie pointed out before pointing to the screen. "Look! There's Minuette, and Twilight knows her!"

"Isn't that the same pony from when Twilight was invited in the beginning?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"So, does she actually live in Ponyville or did she make a trip there too?" Rarity questioned.

However, before either of those questions could be answered.

"*lightly giggles* Look, I found myself." Derpy said, pointing to a gray, blond-maned pegasus with bubbles for a cutie mark in the background.

"Huh, It does look like you!" Lyra said before realizing something.

"Hey, bestie! Look!" She then pointed to a cream-colored earth pony with a swirly grape and pink mane. "It's you!"

"You think so?" Her friend wondered. "I mean, I guess I can see the similarities..."

She then focused on the screen. "And if she's there then you must be... there!" She pointed to a sea-green unicorn.

"I'd recognize my bestie anywhere and there she is!" She said, giving Lyra a sidelong glance and smiling at her.

"Best friends forever!" The two of them yelled as they hugged each other.

"Those two are inseparable." Applejack thought to herself.

"I wonder if anyone else is there." Sunset commented.

"Like me?" Lightning Dust asked. She was admittingly curious to see what her pony self looked like.

"Ha! As if someone like you would get invited!" Rainbow Dash laughed as she slammed her hand on the table, causing her rival to scowl in response.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie can't see herself!" Trixie commented.

With that, the other students also started trying to spot their pony counterparts amongst the crowd.

The pink pony, who dashed away so quickly upon first seeing Twilight, popped her head into view to address her. This is Pinkie Pie, whose voice is cheerful, energetic, and slightly hyperactive-sounding.

"Surprise! Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you!" The pink pony introduced herself as she hopped around. "Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?"

"Yeah, that's Pinkie Pie alright." Rainbow Dash said coldly.

"HI, OTHER ME! It's nice to finally meet you!" Pinkie called out as she waved at the screen. "And yes, I really was surprised! I think you did a great job with that party and let's hope this turns Twilight into a more happy pony!"

"Very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet." Twilight said, a tone of both confusion and shock in her voice.

"Well, that's silly!" Pinkie giggled, leaning on Twilight. "What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring!"

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