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authors note: i am truly sorry about this chapter. i really will try to write more uplifting ones in the future. as always, cookies and kisses to anyone who reads my work.


October 30, 1993

Romilda Vane was like glue on paper, Elodie decided. Usually Fred's conquests lasted a week-less if he was feeling mercurial, but two whole months?

Fred and George had gotten over their initial altercations about Romilda-the twins were nothing if not loyal-but George still sent Elodie guilty glances whenever they had to be in the same room with the "bedfellows" (as dubbed by Lee).

On that day, the day before Halloween, the Gryffindor fifth years (plus Iris and Romilda) were hauled up in the common room, revising their History of Magic notes.

Or at least, some of them were revising. Maura and Iris, who were usually the good ones when it came to studying, were ignoring the piles of homework in front of them and giggling at the newest copy of Witch Weekly. Lee was defacing the announcement board with a marker, and the "bedfellows" were eating each other's faces in a corner.

So, really, studying was thin on the ground.

Elodie was staring very, very hard at her notes, and only looking up to converse with George.

"When was the Werewolf Code of Conduct developed?"





"I'm bored."

"Blimey. How will you ever survive?" Elodie chuckled.

"I dunno, been thinking about my epitaph already." George said dejectedly, poking her shoulder.

"Dramatic bugger. Alright, what would yours be?"

"George Weasley; better-looking brother, unrecognized genius, terrible at history."

Elodie laughed. "Fair enough."

"What about you?"

"My epitaph?"

"Your epitaph."

"Elodie Florence; best looking friend, recognized genius, brilliant at everything."

"Get over yourself."


"If you were so brilliant you'd break the status quo and ask Fred out yourself." George raised a comic eyebrow, glancing over at his twin.

Elodie visibly balked. "Do we always have to talk about this? I don't see you taking initiative with De Vinci over there."

Lee was sticking his tongue out with concentration as he drew a large (and strangely realistic) rude hand gesture on the board.

George glared at her. "Get back to your paper, trollop."

Elodie grinned with satisfaction, leaning back over her reading.

Only a few minutes passed before George poked her again.

"I'm still bored."

"Start digging your grave."

"Mean, mean, woman."

Elodie shot him a grin.

"What should we play at the Halloween party tomorrow?" George invented. Elodie was sure he had already decided what to play at the party, and just needed something to talk about.

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