Arresto Momentum

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els has some pretty dark thoughts in this chapter due to the dementors; maybe hold out on it if you're having a bad day. be gentle with yourselves, loves!


September 3, 1993

Rumor had it that the Slytherin beds didn't stop raining for days, even with the help of the professors. And rumors were very reliable, when it came to Romilda Vane.

The Slytherins, she had informed them, had taken to sleeping in various dryer places around the castle, and that was a perfectly good explanation for why she had been sleeping in the Gryffindor boy's dormitories every night.

George nor Elodie spoke about where they had been a couple evenings ago, and nobody asked them.

However, Fred's recent forms of entertainment did not go unnoticed, especially by his twin brother, who was practically shunning him.

George and Fred never fought-that was a rule. But they did cold-shoulder each other, and George was the master at it. Fred was definitely the weaker man when it came to twin altercations, and normally couldn't go more than two days without his brother.

George, however, was perfectly content on on neglecting his twin until "he got rid of that bat."

Elodie, determined to steer clear of any potential fights, stayed completely out of it. It's none of my business. She would remind herself sternly. He's perfectly at will to shag whoever he pleases.

Instead, Elodie engrossed herself in the piles and piles of homework they received, the overflow of quidditch practices, and the "periods of imprisonment" with her father.

They got less bearable as the months went on-one could only brew wolfsbane potion so many times.

She supposed maybe he was trying to perfect the potion; take a new step in werewolf rights or whatnot, but his recent takeover of Professor Lupin's class discredited that theory. The professor was only out sick for a couple of days, but her father invaded the class like it had been his forever, and promptly interrupted their unit on ghouls in order to study werewolves.

It was quite dull, as they had already covered werewolves last year, and Snape seemed to be taking the stance that werewolves were the most deadly creatures on the planet and should all be exterminated immediately.

Where the obsession came from, she had no idea.

She missed Lupin, though, with his fun music and detailed instructions. He was everything her father was not.

On that particular Thursday, Elodie was yet again forced to come to her father's office, though there was no boiling cauldron resting on the tabletop this time.

"Where's our potion?" She asked dully.

"We're not brewing a potion, today." he announced, taking out his wand like he did when he was teaching.

"Well, if we're not potion-making, then perhaps i could go-"

"Instead," He raised his voice to cut her off, "I will be teaching you legilimency."


"Mind reading." Her father simplified.

"What?" Elodie yelped, taken aback. She wasn't quite sure she wanted to read people's minds.

"And occulmency, mind protecting."

"I think I'm okay-"

"It is essential that you learn these skills. Are we clear?" Snape grabbed her wrist. He often did that when trying to make her understand something, but it never hurt less.

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 | 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲Where stories live. Discover now