Periods of Imprisonment

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authors note: just finished the song of achilles and i'm dead inside. this and this and this to all my beautiful readers.


August 5, 1993

The first of Snape's "lessons" fell upon Wednesday the fifth, although Fred had taken to calling them her "periods of imprisonment". Her father had sent an owl ahead telling Elodie to be in his office after dinner, but she stalled as long as possible, taking slow bites and seconds of everything.

"You're going to throw up if you eat more of that." Maura pointed out, as Elodie poked sadly at her steak.

"Good, then I'll be sent to Madame Pomfrey instead."

"Whats the worst that could happen?" Her friend asked gently.

"He could poison her." George suggested.

"He could put grease in her hair." Fred added spritely.

"Ha-ha." Elodie said flatly. "Bore me to death, is more like."

She felt a hard slap at the back of her head and turned to see her father, looming over her. "I thought I made it clear you were to be in my office?" He snarled, hand still raised.

Elodie rubbed her skull, wincing. "I'm still eating." She gestured to the tiny bits of steak scattered around her plate.

"Office. Now." Snape turned on his heel, gesturing for her to follow him. Elodie got up reluctantly, her friends shooting her pitiful smiles.

Snape's office was dark and dreary as ever, blinds shut and candles burnt to snubs. It smelled fouler than usual, the bitter scent of aconite burning her nostrils.

"You'll be helping me brew a wolfsbane potion tonight." Her father said curtly, gesturing to an empty cauldron.

"Why? Been bitten by a werewolf recently?" Elodie asked wryly.

"Watch your mouth." He spat. "And don't ask questions."

This was said so aggressively that Elodie pondered the possibility that he had been bitten by a werewolf.

The wolfsbane potion would be one of the most complicated potion they had tried yet; it took at least a week to brew, and the aconite flower was deadly to the touch.

It was nearly midnight before Snape finally let her go; and Elodie could have fallen asleep on the floor of the dungeons, at that point.

Snape escorted her out the door without a word-but then again, he had barley spoken to her all night. She was barely out of the door when a drawling voice jeered at her from outside of the Slytherin dungeons.

"Ah, the mudblood! Wandering around where we don't belong, are we?" Draco Malfoy's cruel voice carried through the stone chambers, mere seconds after Snape retreated back into his office.

"I belong here as much as you, Malfoy." Elodie narrowed her eyes, turning to face the pale-haired boy.

"Don't make me laugh." He smirked. "Your professor pops keep you back for remedial potions? Are you really that daft?"

Elodie could've hexed him right then, but held her tongue. She flashed him a bitter smile and walked off. She would get her revenge on the foul git, if it was the last thing she did.


"We could hex him." Fred suggested once Elodie was snugly back in the common room. She had been delighted to find that her friends were still up, as they had mounds of homework to finish. The twins, however, were playing a game of exploding snap on the couch and ignoring their Muggle Studies essay.

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