Chapter 2

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I walk to open the door and someone stands at the door. "Gale." I say gasping. "Hey Catnip" says
"W-What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you."
"No,You must go, I-i can't do this."
I slam the door."Catnip, just listen to me."
"Presidents Snows Grandaughter, she wants to see you. She's coming Wensday. I want to see you again Katniss"
That was the first time I remember saying my actual name.
I don't even know how to respond,but before I can, I hear his footsteps walk away.
Soon it is time for me get Finnick from the school. I walk to the school and remember Ceaser is visiting me today. I wonder what wonderful thing he will tell me today. Ever since Panem became Hunger Games free, Ceaser and I used to talk and he would just act like the old Ceaser with that same laugh, and same questions. I take Finnick home and when I see Peeta come home, he looks frustrated.
"I saw that Gale came here today."
What do I even say? Hopefully he knows that me and Gale are just acquaintances, nothing more.
"He just came to tell me something, don't be worried," I respond.
"What did he tell you?" He asks. "He told me that President Snow's Grandaughter is coming here Wednesday and that he wants to see me again."
"Why is she coming?"
"I didn't ask."

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