~ part 1 ~

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I make myself ready to go to bed as I am thinking about my life. I wish the world has something more magical, I mean we all hear about magic and stuff in movies or shows but where did those stories come from? And magic has to exist, why else should we talk about it and make stories about it? I can think about this all night but it's late, I should go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Well, one thing is good about tomorrow, it's the last school day. It's finally summer!


"Goodmorning" my mom said a little too happy.

"Goodmorning mom, why are you so happy today?" I asked

"Oooh It's just a beautiful day y/n" She said happier than I ever saw her.

She went downstairs to make breakfast ready while I am making myself ready for another boring day. Once I am downstairs I see Cami sitting with my mom. Cami is my best friend since we were little, and we always do everything together. 

"Hey y/n, did you sleep well?" She asked

"Yeah I guess so, what about you Cami?" 

Nothing strange happened yet except for the fact my mom is a little too happy, she has never been so happy since... I don't want to think about it.

I eat my breakfast and me and Cami start walking to school. It isn't that far, maybe 5 minutes and we are there. Nothing strange here too. I'm a little disappointed. Every day I hope something exited happens but it doesn't.

When everyone is in class, every single student gets a message. Strange... We all look at the teacher, she makes the move that we can look on our phones. 

' Hello everyone, 

for hundreds of years, we could keep it a secret, but we failed this year. It wasn't supposed to go like this, but we can't stop it anymore. It has become too strong.  Yes, people's magic is real. We've kept it a secret so everyone would be equal. But this magic isn't that type you can shoot fire with your hands, no it's something different. This type makes portals, portals that lead you to another dimension, that dimension is real. All the stories that are made from movies or shows are real, we just locked them. We did that for everyone's safety. Not all portals are safe!

It's your own responsibility if you are going through a portal, once you go in there, there is no saving you anymore unless you find your own way back to this world. And once you go through a portal, everyone forgets about you here, only when you come back they can remember you.

Be safe everyone! '

Wow, I look at my best friend. We both are a little scared I guess. But besides the fact that it's scary am also happy that it is real, I knew it. What if I find my portal and it's a nightmare, or what if I and Cami have different portals? Questions are burning in my head. We are very lucky that it is our last school day. We have the whole summer to figure out what we want to do. 

After school Cami and I talk about the portals, we want to know how they look, so this first week we will go and search for a portal. We don't know what to expect from it but we still want to find one.  


" Y/n, I really think that message was a mistake to make us scared, we've searched a whole week, 7 full days for a portal. Nothing, literally nothing."

Cami lost her motivation to find one, I didn't. I want and will find a portal. But she is right, I think we just should live out life and if we find one, then we find one. If we don't then we don't. 

"You're right Cami, but I still think they're real tho. But maybe we should just stop searching for the portals. We will find one eventually."

On our way back, I saw something sparkling. It was very close to my house but not that close that I could see it clearly. What was that?

"Can you see that Cami?"

She looks at me like I'm crazy. 

"See what y/n? I just see your house. Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah of course I am okay, don't look at me like I'm crazy. I swear to god, I saw something there."

It's getting dark, which means it's already 7 PM. I still see that sparkling thing, but I ignore it. We walk home in silence. It's awkward, but I don't want to say anything else. I'm scared she will think I am crazy. We are by my home, Cami and I say our goodbye's and give each other a hug. It's an awkward and fast one, I hate those. 

The rest of the day, nothing special happens. But when I wanted to sleep I remembered that sparkling thing, I totally forgot about it. I put some warm clothes on and sneak out of the house. 

When I'm outside the house, I see the sparkling thing, it gives so much light omg. I start walking towards it, the closer I come, the more I can see a shadow in the light. It's like someone is waiting in the light. I want to know what the light is, but I am scared. What if it's a portal and it brings me to a nightmare? But what if it's everything you ever wanted?

I start running, faster and faster. The light comes closer and closer. But then I see Cami standing outside. She is screaming...

"Y/n, PLLSSS NO...   WAIT !!!"

I want to stop so badly and say goodbye, but my legs won't stop. Tears are starting to fall while I am running. Almost, I'm almost in the light.  Right before I go into the light I close my eyes and say a little prayer. 

Hey, part 2 is coming soon :) Let me know if you like it. Have a great day ;)

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