Chapter 3

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The banquet took the format of a buffet. It was much more open and free form compared to having everyone sitting around large tables.

The venue was quite big and was cordoned off into different areas. One would be able to see the end of it right away. Where the class was sitting seemed like a world apart from where the bosses were.

Zhao Wan, dragging Chi Ying along with her, quickly filled their bellies. Noticing that Song QingFeng was waving at them, she quickly said, "I think Instructor Song is looking for you."

Song QingFeng was the class instructor of the original owner before she quit school. Now he was a somewhat well-known director but still insisted on teaching at the performing school. He was already in his fifties, but still very much like a child and very easy to get along.

Chi Ying was very appreciative of him. She had been away for school for quite a bit of time. If it wasn't for Song QingFeng, she might not have been able to return to school with just her family's pull alone.

Tonight, Song QingFeng had on a black tuxedo with hair gel in whatever hair he has remaining.

He had a little too much to drink and was a little bit wobbly. "A couple of my friends are here. I want to introduce you to them."

When Song QingFeng introduced her to his "friends", she was surprised that they were all somewhat well-known directors.

Chi Ying was awed at the opportunity and also received quite a few invitations for audition.

Song QingFeng had further blocked a few rounds of drinks for her and had soon blacked out.

When Chi Ying carried Song QingFeng, who was already practicing his Drunken Martial Art, back to his seat and handed him over to his assistant, she looked around and noticed that she had somehow ended up in the Oushi area.

Earlier, the Greek chef had recommended the moussaka. Now she could give it a try.

Chi Ying quickly located her target among all the other items. She bent down a little, picked up an eggplant casserole, and placed it on her plate. When she stood back up and was about to turn back around to look for WanWan, she heard someone calling out, "Boss Lu."

Her heart tightened, and her hand that was holding the plate froze a little.

In the not-so-bright light of the venue, the man was slender and tall, had broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His legs were noticeably longer than other people's. His hand with prominent knuckles held onto his wine glass. The clear liquid in the glass sloshed around slightly under the brilliant lights.

All the other guests were also in their suits and carrying around their champagne, but he was no doubt the most elegant and most eye-catching one.

Lu JingYan.

Details of that intimate night quickly flashed passed her mind; memories that didn't belong to her.

No light, no moon. It was boundless darkness. The man, under the effect of alcohol, might not be too conscious.

Lu JingYan might not have remembered what she looked like. Her frozen state, however, seemed more awkward.

Thinking about that, Chi Ying resumed her steps to return to where she came from.

The next moment, she ran into the pair of eyes that were deep like a frigid night. 

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