Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - I look forward to seeing your performances in the future (1)

"I am also with the performance school and junior to you," said Shu Bai with her head lowered and her voice soft. "I am one year your junior at the school. We have met at some networking event in the past... It's okay if you have no idea who I am. I have always been a fan of yours... You are pretty and have good grades.... Sorry to have bothered you..."

Shu Bai's background wasn't mentioned in the book so Chi Ying didn't know that she was from the same school. Or, it had been mentioned but she just didn't pay it that much attention.

Her hand on her head and she tried to recall. Yes, she looked somewhat familiar.

Each year, when the new students joined, the more senior students would arrange a networking gathering to welcome the newcomers.

Usually that entailed self-introductions, a talent show, which was expected for anyone at a performance school.

And then, there were the wilder ones who'd take others out for a night at a KTV as round 2, eager to take the ones from within the ivory tower and introduce them to life outside.

From her impression, a girl looking like that was quiet, docile, shy, intimidated. She could tell from the gathering that she wasn't someone who'd blend in well with the others.

She didn't have a very outgoing personality. She may not exactly have the personality of a Mary Sue, but she definitely did not have a personality that was grating.

The girl's skin wasn't all that great and didn't shine at first glance. Plus, she wasn't very good at dolling herself up and not enough to leave a lasting impression with hers. That's why Chi Ying had never associated that face with the name "Shu Bai."

Shu Bai's personality seemed a little different than how it was described in the novel. The female lead wasn't that shy or lack of confidence. Then again, in the book, Shu Bai became famous from one show. It was certainly possible that her path in this field had been difficult and down on luck until that point.

Chi Ying said in a mildly tone, "Hi, Shu Bai. I have taken a few years break from school before and am a senior now. You don't need to refer to me as Class Sister."

Class sister?

Shu Bai let out a surprised "Oh!" Then, she asked carefully, "You are here for the audition as well?"

Chi Ying smiled at her lightly, distant but not cold.

Shu Bai noticed that she had asked an obvious question, blushed, and lowered her head. "How are you doing these few years?"

"Not too bad."

Shu Ba cheeks could be seen blushing under her foundation, "Did anything unusual happen?"

Chi Ying looked at her, and there was scrutiny in her eyes. "To what are you referring to?"

"Class sister disappeared all of a sudden that year. We thought perhaps class sister had offended someone and was casted aside."

"No, nothing like that."

Shu Bai let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "Oh, that's good to hear."

Chi Ying had no plans to become familiar with Shu Bai. Audition is a competition. At the end of the day, they couldn't both get the role.

Shu Yan didn't think too much about their encounter today. She was just a little worried whether Shu Bai would possess some sort of mighty female lead halo that'd get rid of all of her luck right away?

As she was thinking about it, the numbered cards for the order of audition were passed out. Shu Bai was the fifth person, and Chi Ying was the last one.

Chi Ying's heart sank a little as she looked at her number.

She has met temperamental directors in the past that once they met an exceptional actress that fit their needs, they could just call off the rest of the audition, and everybody else would just have to go home empty handed. 

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