Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 - She wished that she would not run into them ever again (2)

The protagonist felt unfulfilled, but not desperate, nor was she distressed. Her death came quickly, and she did not undergo suffering over a prolonged period of time. She had never lost faith in her pursuit of her dream; contrarily, she had a wonderful experience.

Chi Ying thought that the story had easily stirred up all of her emotions and made her sink into her own feelings at the most inopportune time. She had forgotten temporarily whether she was on her death bed in her previous life or on stage.

She tightened her fist. She must work harder on keeping her emotions in check in the future. She couldn't be distracted so easily. Let that be a lesson for herself.

Chi Ying was at loss for a little while, but her eyes brightened up again. She gave a sincere bow and said, "Thank you, instructor!"

When Chi Ying turned around to leave, Gu YuanChen stopped her.

"Wait, I have one more for you." Gu YuanChen looked at her deeply.

Chi Ying's eyes glistened like a lake under the sun. He was moved.

The character on the card also had terminal illness, but as she had lived a rough life, all she could think of right at the moment of death was pleasantness and relief.

Chi Ying quickly switched back to her normal self, or perhaps an even better state. In her eyes, there was not only the relief after everything was settled, but also the weariness from having experienced only too much.

That was conveyed perfectly, the judges were both surprised and impressed. They even started clapping.

Gu YuanChen said in a deep voice, "Next one."

A mute on a wheelchair who could only sit there and watch a woman being murdered but couldn't even call out for help.

The woman's eyes turned red and her eyes widened with so much hatred and anger that they could split wide open.


The protagonist was set up by the person that she had once given everything to save. It was the story of the farmer in Farmer and the Snake.

The pain that was in Chi Ying's eyes even had a hint of doubt about human nature.

"Okay, good." Gu YuanChen nodded and said, "Just wait for your notification."

Chi Ying has a pair of eyes that could talk and, right now, they were filled with joy and appreciation.

Gu YuanChen looked right into her eyes.


It was almost 1 PM when the audition was over, and the sun was almost deadly outside.

Chi Ying didn't rush to leave. Instead, she went to reapply some sunscreen in the restroom. The incident at the banquet made her alert and she clutched tightly onto her cellphone.

Coming out of the restroom, Chi Ying saw Shu Bai pacing back and forth nervously in the hallway. She was surprised, "Shu Bai? How come you are back?"

Shu Bai looked up at her and said, a little embarrassed, "My agent wanted me to bring Director Gu a couple cases of cigarettes." In her hand, there was a very fancy-looking gift bag.


Their company really didn't care much about their lesser actresses. They just sent her over by herself like that. Even though it's not uncommon for actors/actresses to give gifts to directors, this was very careless of them. If the director wasn't Gu YuanChen but the violent, anyone-will-do Cheng Huan, this could end very badly.

But, a lot of times the company didn't always care what the cost was.

Chi Ying was being honest with her. "I don't think Director Gu likes to accept presents."

She wouldn't exactly say he has the out-of-this-world's feel to him, but he really gave the feeling that he didn't care too much for earthly things. 

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