After 1 year of dating <3

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Artwork by @ meritzita18 on Pinterest

Just some one shots after a year of dating <333


You were currently sitting on the Sofa of your boyfriend's apartment, waiting for him to get home from volleyball practice. He gave you a spare key last week so you would always chill and wait at his place.

You were going to hoard his fridge when you saw that Suna left his phone on the counter, it caught your attention.

Since you are a sneaky bitch you took it and looked through it just for fun. When you first wanted to open it up, you noticed that his lock screen had a live background.

What's he hiding huh..

When you clicked on it, your face automatically turned red. The black background turned into a video of Suna absolutely railing you in Doggy Style.

The led lights in his background were red and you were wearing knee high socks, a pastel pink skirt and some pastel bunny ears. Along with that, you wore the necklace that he gave you when he first asked you to be his girlfriend, you always wear it.

That particular video was from the night of his birthday. The outfit that you wore was part of his gift, which he clearly enjoyed.

I never noticed that he took videos..

You remember how you couldn't walk for like two days straight and your legs were shaking like crazy afterwards.

He definitely did not go easy on me...I liked it though

Suddenly you hear the door open and see Suna walk in on you red handed.

"What are you looking at?" He asked as he walked over to you. "I- Uhm I just-" he chuckled when he saw that you found out about the live background.
He softly grabbed your jaw and brought his lips to your ear, "you like my background doll face?"

You instantly turned even more red, if that was even possible, and stuttered, "just don't show a-anyone."

"You know...we could recreate that background right now baby, I still have the outfit you wore" he whispered into your ear.

"Wellll I am not saying no.." you smirked.

After that answer he picked you up and brought you straight upstairs.

You knew exactly what was going to happen next... ;)
(I am gonna write a Suna x Fem!Reader Chapter with this plot in my Oneshots book :3)


You were currently at Suna's place cuddling with him on his bed. You guys both smoked a blunt together, like you guys usually do, and listened to some music.

Suddenly Suna pat his lap, he does this a lot out of context and just whenever he feels like it. Of course you always go and sit on it when he asked for it.

"Wanna do my eyeliner? I messed up all night yesterday...I need help" he said a little embarrassed. Your heart instantly melted at his request, this was your time to shine.

"Awhhh bubbaaaa of course give me the eyeliner" he passed you the eyeliner and he slowly closed his eyes. You applied the eyeliner across his lid and explained every step to help him understand. You also added a small teardrop on the right cheek and a star on the left cheek.

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