Just a small fluff chapter

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This is just a cute little fluff page😩🤚❤️
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800 words or sum
~*.•♥• .*~

It was 3pm and you just woke up. Yes, you just woke up. Yesterday was a shit night for you, full of negative thoughts and insecurities. Some of them still roamed your mind and occupied your thoughts.

You were currently laying in bed when suddenly you heard a *ping* from your phone.

Bendy boi🍃
Party tonight @ Kita's, wanna come?

Doll face✨
Ehh I don't knowww
I honestly just wanna sleep at home ;(

Bendy boi🍃
Welllll thennnn
Can I come over?

Doll face✨
If u want to, sure

If you were being honest, you needed someone to cuddle right now. You needed to be in a more positive mind space and Suna would definitely bring you there.

~*.•♥• .*~

*time skip to about 7pm*

You were still groggily laying in bed. Your mascara was still running down your cheeks. You tried to stop crying but sometimes it was just difficult to block your negative thoughts out.

You heard a knock on your door
oh shit Suna..I totally forgot

You looked into the mirror, wiping your tears and runny makeup away. You hurried downstairs and opened the door, hoping he wouldn't notice the puffiness around your eyes.

He was just wearing some grey wear pants and a black hoodie. He noticed. He noticed your red, watery eyes quickly and made a small 😧 face (NSNDKSK IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT). He quickly took you in his embrace and gave you a kiss on top of your head.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly, gently stroking your head.

"I don't wanna talk about it" you mumbled into his hoodie. You got out of his embrace and took a few steps back to let him in your house.

(Okay so this chapter can have two endings depending on what you are insecure about. It can either be about you feeling like you are too skinny or too chubby)

Feeling too chubby:

You guys both walked to your room and sat down on the bed.

"If it makes you feel better, I bought Chuupets..?" He said and showed you the bag.

"Nooo I don't want them" you mumbled to yourself and wrapped yourself in one of your blankets.

"Y/n not wanting chuupets? That's something new" he huffed and leaned back, thinking about what could be bugging you.

"Shut up, I clearly don't need it" you sighed and pointed to your body, looking at him in dead seriousness.

"Hey don't fucking say that, I think you are perfect."

You held out your phone with a picture of a skinny model in return, "do I look like that? No...I am not Perfect"

Suna gave you a death stare when you said that and then sat in front of you. He slowly got on top of you, making you back down and lay on your back.


"How come you don't notice how pretty you are?" He moved his hands up and down your body, but in a non sexual way. He slowly lifted up your shirt, making him see your light stretch marks on your tummy. He gently ran his finger tips over them and gave them small butterfly kisses.

He didn't seem disgusted at all, he liked them.

"I think they are pretty"

He was so gentle with you...making you feel as comfortable as possible.He also parted your thighs a little so he could kiss the stretch marks on your thighs.

He kept running his hands up and down your soft,  s/c skin.

He came back up and held you in his embrace. At this point there were tears running down your cheek.  Not because your were sad, but because what he did was so sweet,

"I think you are beautiful, don't get influenced on those impossible beauty standards" he mumbled into the crook of your neck.

He looked back into your eyes and kissed your tears away. You both cuddled all night and watched movies- he made those negative thoughts go away instantly.

~*.•♥• .*~

Feeling too skinny:

You both went to your room, on the way there you saw yourself in the mirror. That made you stop and look at yourself again.

You saw your small figure in the big hoodie that you were wearing. You looked like a skeleton in your opinion- disgusting and dead. You were flat and your arms looked like they were just bones and skin.

You hated it.

You didn't even notice that Suna was watching you as your tears started running back down your cheeks. He quickly picked you up and brought you to your bed, engulfing you in his embrace.

"Tell me what's wrong doll face" he mumbled into your ear.

You were still quietly sobbing, "I look like a skeleton, no one will ever want me like this..."

He pulled you away a bit so he could see your face. He slowly caressed your cheek with his soft hands and brushed your tears away.

He then gently pushed back on your sleeves to see your arms, "I think you are perfect like this" he kissed your wrists and hands with gentle pecks.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and wrapped a blanket over both of you, "Trust me" he mumbled into the crook of your neck, "you are so beautiful y/n. I would not change a thing on you."

He took you back into his embrace and you both stayed like that for the rest of the night while he kept showering you with compliments.

~*.•♥• .*~

I don't usually write this kinda stuff but why not ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

Hope you guys liked this small chapter though :)

I hope you all are taking care of yourselves and are staying hydrated, eating, healthy, ect.. You all shouldn't be ashamed of your bodies at all, and if anyone says you should then ignore them. You all mean tons to me and I wouldn't want anything bad happen to y'all <3

If anyone needs to talk then hit me up, I'll be here and listen/give advice!

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