Chapter 10: Lost Trust II

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The next morning arrived and I just wanted to forget everything from last night. I didn't want to jump to any conclusions from what happened at all, especially with what tonight had in store for me. It was the sports awards thing tonight at 7 in the auditorium. I didn't want to be distracted with everything from last night, until what I saw driving to school. When I was halfway there, I saw Alex in his car at a stoplight, but it looked as though he was getting some head as well. I couldn't make out who it was, but I did see curly hair just like Ayala's. He was too far in front of me to see clearly. Once the light turned green, I just zoomed past him, not wanting to see the face revealing itself. I parked my car and entered the school as though nothing happened. I was stressed out already with grades, parent issues, and waiting back from my advisor for the internship; so I really didn't need to add on more to my plate. When I got to my locker, out of nowhere giving me a kiss was Ayala. Her smile disappeared when she saw the sad expression on my face. I asked her,

"When I left last night, you went to bed right"?

She hesitated but then eventually said,

"Yeah, why?".

Before I could respond to her, I saw Alex walking towards us with her jacket in his hand. He gave it to her, but before he left I shouted,

"Why do you have that!"?

"She forgot it in my car", he responded.

I look back at her in disgust.

"You lied to me".

As I turned away from her, she grabbed me by my shirt.

"No, I.....I just", is what she said before I interrupted her.

"You just what Ayala".

"I just didn't want you to get mad at me". "A lot of shit went down last night, so I didn't want to add on more into today", she responded.

I slammed my locker, as I backed away from her.

"Too late, I'm just done with you right now".

She shouted my name in the background as I stormed off to the library. I sat there with my friends while they played Uno, but they could tell something was off with me. One of my best friends Peyton asked if I were okay. I lied saying no, but she pulled me aside to get the real story out of me. I told her about everything that occurred last night into this morning and judging from the expression on her face, I could tell she was shocked. She eventually gave me advice towards the lines of,

"Don't think of anything as definite yet until you get the whole story".

I knew she was right, but how do you try and get both sides of a story when things keep adding up to be true. I thanked her for that, hugged her, and tried to enjoy the last few minutes of my free period before running into Alex or Ayala again. When the next period came around, I tried to avoid Ayala in the halls because, during this time, we see each other before I have gym. Once she was there, I rushed through towards the gym. She saw me though, but once she said my name, I was already gone. Throughout the rest of the day, I didn't want to be stressed out with anything, so I tried to avoid her and those texts. I even went home for lunch and I never went home for lunch as much as I would even want to. When ninth period came around again, I knew once that bell rang that I had to come up with something because she has class right down the hall from mine. Only 30 seconds left, hurry up and let this bell ring so I don't have to be more stressed out than I already am. Bell rings and I'm thinking I wasn't going to see her. Boy was I wrong. Boom, she's already waiting outside my classroom door.

"Can we talk please"?

I looked at her in disappointment, but it had to come down to now or sometime later. I didn't have a choice at this point. We walked to our spot in a secluded hallway at the back of the school. I just stood in the corner, just waiting for the words to come out of her mouth.

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