Chapter 6: Flutters, Adjustment, and Confusion

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It's Monday morning and I was looking forward to this week. I had another trip I had to attend in Albany with my other best friend Peyton. Walking into the school, I get a text,

"Morning, where are you?", from Ayala.

"Just got in".

She told me to meet her in the cafe after that. Walking in there, I sat down next to her smiling like I actually had something new and exciting in my life going on. I had to admit, her crowd isn't what I usually hang around with, but if it meant being around her more then so be it. I'm not going to talk a mouthful but from that day into a few days later this week was wonderful. However, one night made me question a lot of things. We were on the phone Wednesday evening just talking about school and stuff. The tone in her voice made it seem like something was bothering her. She didn't want to mention it and I didn't want to push her to say it so I let it be. All I said after was that,

"I would be there whenever you need me and you can trust me".

She was relieved that I was that kind of person and was scared to tell me something else. The words,

"I want to say something, but I don't know how you'll react", is what she responded with.

I didn't push it out of her but I also encouraged her to say what she wanted to say. Finally, she uttered out the words,

"I love you".

My heart stopped and my breath was gone the minute she said that. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. It was only four days into talking with one another and she already dropped the L-word on me. She could tell I was shocked and tried to say sorry for what she said. Honestly, I went with it and said,

"I love you too".

I knew I wasn't ready to say it then. I did know that if things kept going the way that they were, that I could reciprocate those same feelings one day. I just knew at that moment that I wasn't ready to say them back. I didn't want to scare her or ruin what we had going; especially how short is what so far. Each day from that moment was your average cute, happy, and sappy kind of romance you would have with someone you date. Friday finally came and it was the day I had to leave for Albany. It was going to be for the whole weekend, and I was excited but a little sad. The short little romance I had just sparked up, I will be leaving for a few days. I already had my stuff packed and had to arrive at the school early to leave my bags in the main office. Everyone else going on the trip had to do the same. When finished, I got a message from Ayala.

"Meet me at my locker".

"Where at?"

"Second floor of the business building by the bathrooms".

I immediately left to see her. When I saw her face, it made me smile. I haven't felt so wanted by someone ever. She would have nothing but a smile each time she saw me. We kissed and I walked her to her class before I had to go. An hour went by and everyone on the trip boarded the bus. She texted me again.

"I'm going to miss you".

"I'm going to miss you too, but I'll see you Monday".

When the bus left, I sat with Peyton and we talked about some things. One of those things happened to include Ayala. She was glad I finally had someone to talk to especially after the whole Gigi incident earlier that year. Yeah, before Ayala, I was in love with my friend Gigi. After some attempts, it broke our friendship. I knew that being on this trip that, in a way, I needed to make things right. Two and a half hours later, we arrived at our hotel in Albany. This trip consisted of meetings and workshops we had to attend with other schools while wearing business attire. It was known as the Leadership Training Conference (LTC). I mostly went on the trip, but to have more time with my best friend. When we unpacked in our rooms, we had to go back downstairs later that evening for a welcoming seminar. The seminar seemed hours long and I just wanted to get out of this suit. When it was over, we walked back when I saw a cute girl. Going back to my old habits, I got her snap and told my friend to not tell Ayala. Back in the hotel room, Gigi and I were alone. I knew I had to make things right with this opportunity. I sat her down on my bed and told her how much I loved her before. I told her how I hated myself for trying to pursue things when knowing she had a boyfriend. I literally broke into tears and she comforted me.

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