Pt 6

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I got up and pushed my chair in
Draco opened the door for me
I walked around the corner
Hermione joined my walking
Aswell as Ron and Harry
"That took forever!"
Hermione said
"Wait. Where is your tie?"
She said
Ron looked behind us and saw malfoy
I showed it in my hand
"Coincidence that malfoys shirt is half of"
Harry said, leaning in closer so he wouldn't hear
"Bloody hell. Delilah-"
I cracked up as Hermione held in her laugh
"I'm serious!"
Ron said as he looked down
"Are you and malfoy messing around?"
Harry said, looking for a truthfull answer. I could tell beacuse the way he looked in my eyes
I looked at hermione
She looked at the boys then back to me
She sighed and nodded her head.
Ron's face shot to Harry's
Harry said.
I nodded
My face flustered red as Hermione waved and all three entered  the griffyndor common room
Draco sped up and put an arm around my shoulder
I smiled at him and looked behind me
Harry and Ron starred, then walked inside there rooms
I felt guilty
I sighed and looked down
"What's wrong, love?"
Draco said
"I told Ron and Harry today. About us."
"Messing around?"
Draco said
I nodded
I put his head on my shoulder
He picked me up bridal style and carried me inside
I giggled as he sat my down on the couch
He sat next to me and put a arm around my shoulder
"That's gonna be weird telling people you lost your virginity in snapes classroom"
Draco said with a chuckle
I bursted out laughing as pansy came in
"Hey draco" she said, coming behind the couch
"Hey... pansy"
I sighed and looked around
His hand adjusted on my shoulders as he looked behind him
"Need anything-?"
He said
"No not anything. Not right now. Not when she's around"
Draco glared and I looked behind me
"Fuck off pugface"
She opened her mouth
"At least my dad is still alive. What happened to him? Hm?"
Pansy said, cocking her head
I bit my lip back
Draco got up
"Fuck off. Right now."
He said, furious
She said
"Look at her. Then look at me"
She said, looking at my tearfulness eyes
"She may be a pure blood. But we can tell who is prettier."
She said, licking her tongue then looking at me
"You CAN meet MY dad-"
Draco pulled out his wand and put it to her throat
"One more god damn word pansy. I'll have you dead"
He tightened his teeth
She put his wand down
She looked at me, then rolled her eyes
She left the common room, silently
He got on his knees and put his hands on my face
"D... are you ok?"
He said
I curled my lip and shook my head no
He put me in a hug as I cried on his shoulder,
He picked me up as I tightened my legs on his back, and carried me to a bed
He layed me down and sat on the bed
He put my hair back and kissed my forehead
"Your worth everything. I don't need to meet your father. I can meet your mother"
He smiled and hugged me close
I snuggled to his stomach as I felt his soft, steady breathing.

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