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I laughed at draco
He laughed back
Yea... me and draco have been sneaking  around, and no one knows. Not really dating... just making out. Nothing else- I'm a virgin. He hasent fingered me- the only thing we have done is make out. It's especially hard when he leaves hickeys. I'm so lucky i packed enough foundation
I looked at the time
"Shit-" I said
"What?" Draco said
"I'm late to class "
I looked at him
He rolled his eyes
"Just skip?" He asked
"Fine" I laughed
He came back to my lips, and kissed me
We started making out
He used his to hands rub my waist.
I played with his hair, as he started to rub my thigh
I started to feel the heat in my lower stomach
He got up and shut and locked the rooms door
He took of my shirt, and his.
I knew it would go farther then just making out
He started to give me black and blue hickeys all over my neck, to my jawline to my collar bone.
I have a soft moan as he took of our pants
"You'd not know how you make me feel d"
He said, nearly panting
He asked permission to take of my bra strap
I nodded, and he took of my bra, putting it in the pile of clothes on the floor
He smirked as he started playing with my Boobs
He started giving me hickeys on my breasts, trailing down to my stomach
He looked up and I nodded
He removed my panties and kissed my entrance
I moaned as he traced a finger down my clit
He stuck two fingers in as I threw my head back and moaned
He looked up and smirked
After fingering me for a while, he kissed me again
I wiped the sweat off my forehead, and put my shirt on
He smiled and put his button up on
I helped him button up his shirt, as I put my skirt back on
I sat on the couch
He looked at me and smiled
"Mabye next time I won't just use my fingers"
I felt the heat in my stomach
He kissed my neck
I was getting sick of his games
I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bedrooms
I shut and locked the door
I bit my lip, pushing him on my bed
I got ontop and pulled my shirt on, and I clipped my bra.
I unbuttoned just shirt as quickly as I put it on 20 minutes ago
I gave him hickeys on his neck,
He grabbed my waist as I took my pants of
"Shit adley... the shit you do to me"
He said in a huff of breathe
I took his pants off as I took his boxers of
I bit my lip at his 12 inch
He smirked and flipped us over
"I don't want to hurt you..." he said
He shook his head
"What?" I said, getting up
"I don't think your ready"
He said
"For your dick"
I asked
He nodded
I sighed and looked down
He put his pants on but didn't put his shirt on
We sat in the bed
I knew I wasent ready for his cock... it was 12 inches, and to say, I am a virgin

Oh, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now