Pt 10

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I grabbed his cheek and looked at him
"You deserve me just as much as I deserve you"
I quickly wrapped my hands around his neck and cuddled my chin into his shoulder
He tightly had his hands around my waist, his chin on my shoulder aswell
I looked at hip
He kissed me, quickly
I kissed him back.
"I'm sorry" he said, looking in my eyes.
"About what" I said, cuddled on his lap, my head on his chest.
"How i over reacted." He began
"I overthink a lot. Sometimes it keeps me up at night about how much I think of you. My mind just- drifts off"
He said, kissing my head
I closed my eyes and snuggled in deeper
He sighed and layed back, putting his head in my pillow.
He moved me to his side as he wrapped his hands around my back. As we were drifting off, narccisa and my mother busted in
"Dinner rea-"
Narccisa said, excited
Me and draco jumped
"Oh uh....." my moms said
Me and draco sat there, terrified
"Hey we were gonna send Lucius up"
Narccisa said
"Your lucky"
They left the room and me and draco bursted out laughing.
We got up, and I dig in my suitcase
"I'll be right back. I forgot my clothes In my room"
He said, leaving
I dug into my bag and pulled out a dress
It was the same dress I wore when draco said the words "I love you"
I smiled and took my clothing off
I slipped the silky dress on, puttting on green heals to go with it.
I opened my door, the same time draco did.
As soon as he saw me he smiled
He jogged over and lifted my waist, into the air
He spun me around, as he set me down lightly and smiled
He kissed my forehead as he grabbed my hand
He led me downstairs, into the dining room.
The table was set, with gold and red.
The table cloth was red with golden rims, all the plates sat nicely in a line.
Draco pulled out a chair for me as I sat down.
He took a seat next to me, placing his hand on my thigh and scooting his chair in.
My mother and Narccisa placed turkey, and corn on the table.
They table stacked with food, and everyone sat down
"Thank you, mrs malfoy" I said, smiling and getting a scoop of mash potatoes.
"Oh, call me Narccisa darling" she said, getting turkey
"Now, draco, Delilah"
My mother said, setting her spoon down
Narccisa sighed and adjusted her seat in her chair.
"We need to talk"
She said.
Draco looked at me, then back at my mother.
"So, you to are together, I'm suspecting"
She said, looking at us both.
I looked at him and nodded.
"Well... in case you ever have or done-"
I said, covering my eyes
She slid a pack of condoms on the table
Draco started laughing as I put my head on his chest
After dinner, everything calmed down.
The parents were in the living room chatting, me and draco still at the dinner table, creating small talk.
I started to dose off.
I felt his warm hand creep up my thigh.
I looked at him then back down.
He lifted my skirt and smirked.
I gulped and looked down
He slipped his hand through my panties, rubbing circles with his thumb
"Mm" I made the tinest noise I could make.
He got up and grabbed my hand silently.
He looked at the condoms.
He shrugged and took them, stuffing them in his pocket, and taking me upstairs.

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