Welcome to Hogwarts.

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Clara Pov:

Today is the day that I will be arriving at Hogwarts. Sylvia wanted to bring me to the train station where I will be dropped off since the coachman can't leave the carriage alone outside. I helped the staff bring down my luggage to the carriage so they won't have to do a lot. I go back to my bedroom to get my carry on bag that has my journal, wand and art supplies in it. I look around my room that I have slept in for the past 11 years and now I will be spending a few months in a school. I let out a sigh and walk out my bedroom while shutting the door. I walk out to the carriage where Sylvia is waiting for me. "Are you ready dear?"Sylvia asked me. "As ready as I'll ever be,"I told her with a smile. The coachman helped me into the carriage and we were off to the train station. I was very nervous because I don't know what to expect and I don't know how to use magic since I never knew such thing about it. I hope I will make some new friends and I wonder what house I will be sorted in. Sylvia and I walked during the ride to the train station. She explained to me her years at Hogwarts when she was my age. She told me she was sorted into Ravenclaw. She also knew a James and Lily Potter who were both in Gryffindor. They also have a son who is my age and should be going to start Hogwarts this year as well. 

We arrive at the train station that is very busy at this time of day. Sylvia and the coachman help me put my luggage on a trolley. I bid goodbye to the coachman and I walked in with Sylvia by my side. "Now we have to go to platform 9 3/4. It isn't in the muggle train station,"She quickly told me. I looked at her with  a questioning expression, but I didn't question it. We walk to platforms 9 and 10. "Where is the platform Sylvia?"I ask her. "Through that wall of course,"She told me like it was obvious. She walked with me to the wall and I was expecting to run into the wall but we ended up going through it. I look up to see this massive black and red train and many people at this platform. "Now make sure that at least once a week to send us a letter by owl letting us know how you are doing dear,"She instructed me. "Don't worry Sylvia. I'll make sure you and everybody else at home get a letter from me,"I assured her. "I'll miss you so much. I hope to see you during Christmas if your grandfather is home during your break,"She told me. I gave her one last hug and was on the train heading to Hogwarts. 

On the way there, I didn't know where to sit until I spotted Fred and George. I was happy that I was able to see them again but while I was awake. "Well isn't nice to run into you lot on this lovely train,"I smiled at them. "Clara!"They exclaimed and pulled me into a hug. "Are you ready for your first year at Hogwarts?" George asked me. "Well I have to be ready since I'm on this train now,"I joked with them. "It looks like we got a jokester on our hands George,"Fred told George. "Indeed Fred,"George replied. "What year are you 2 in?" I asked them. "We're in our third year,"They said together. The whole time we were talking and joking around with each other. At some point we had to change into our robes. We also got candy as well. All of the candy I have never heard of especially the chocolate frogs. When they told me about that candy, I thought it was a frog with chocolate on it. They gave me one and it was just a chocolate shaped like a frog. It was very delicious. "I never had chocolate before,"I told them while eating the frog. They both gasped in shock at that. "What has your grandfather been feeding you for the past 11 years?"They asked. "Anything but candy,"I joked. 

Soon we arrived at the platform that's by Hogwarts. "I'll see you 2 in the dining hall,"I told them while heading over towards the other first years. While being around the other first years, I felt 4 of my soulmarks burning. So my other soulmates must go here as well. How amazing is that? We all get into boats and head towards this massive castle that must be Hogwarts. We arrive at the shore and walk towards the castle. We stop in front of a witch that was standing in front of the door. "We will be ready for you momentarily. Before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin,"The witch explained. She walked into the doors and left us standing on the steps. "Word on the train must of been correct. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts,"A platinum blonde boy said. Everybody was shocked at this statment except me. "This is Crabbe and this is Goyle. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy,"This Draco person said. My heart skipped a beat when I looked at him. So he must be another one of my soulmates. 

He ended the conversation to whoever he was talking to and looked at me. My mark burned and it quickly stopped as he accepted me. He gave me a wink and a smirk when I accepted him as well. The witch from earlier came out from the door and guided us through the doors. Upon entering, I noticed that it was just a big dining room with 4 rows of tables. One for each house. I quickly see Fred and George. I gave them a smile before my other 2 marks started burning. Looks like I will be going to school with all of my soulmates. "Now when I call your name, you may step up here and I will place the sorting hat onto your head,"She explained. "Hermione Granger,"She called out. I looked up to see a girl with curly/wavy dark blonde hair. We locked eyes quickly and I accepted the bond and she did as well. She gave me a quick smile before the hate called out, "Gryffindor!" Everyone at the table cheered for her as she took her seat at the table. 

Time goes by and I see my other 2 soulmates who are Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, the soulmate who I supposed would be my soulmate. They both got put into Gryffindor and a couple students after them my name got called. "Clara Drosselmeyer,"The witch called. The dining hall filled with whispers after that and silenced when I sat on the stool. The sorting hat was placed on my head and the hat started talking. "Ahhh a Drosslemeyer. I haven't seen one of you in a few decades. I see courage and determination as well as ambitious and cunning. I also see intelligence and wisdom as well as loyalty and patience. You will be a perfect fit for all 4 houses but I shall put you in...Hufflepuff!"The hat finished. Everyone at the Hufflepuff table cheered and I took my seat with them. I hope this will be a good start for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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