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Clara POV:

When I got home that night, the mansion was very quiet, but a few of the staff were walking around doing a few things since it was late at night. I walk up to my bedroom since I was still full from the lunch I had with Fred and George Weasley. Thinking about them brought a smile upon my face. I can't believe I met 2 of my soulmates already and possibly know who another one of them are. I placed my school supplies into my trunk and organized them so it will be neat and I have more room for my clothes. Since I put my school supplies in I thought  should also pack my clothes as well. That's what I did for the rest of the night. I made sure I had everything in the trunk and quickly got ready for bed after my shower. 

I laid down with a sigh. I'll be alone for a day before I go to Hogwarts since grandfather won't be home until after I leave. I roll over onto my side and just think about everything. I'm a wizard, I'm going to a wizarding school, I met 2 of my soulmates and I possibly might know who another one of them are. How bizarre is that to hear? I can't wait to see the twins again since I'm very happy around them. With that thought I close my eyes and fall into a dream filled slumber.

I was walking through the woods in a dress and a cape to keep me warm since it was the Frozen Forest. I heard people talking and wondered who it might be. I walked until I came upon a meadow filled with snow, but also flowers. I looked to see 2 people with ginger hair. When they heard the crunch of my feet in the snow they turned around. When they were looking at me, I seen that it was the twins. I smiled and ran towards their outstretched arms. They both gave me a hug and I felt really warm in the hug. They let me out of the hug and I was questioning why they were here. "How are you 2 in my dream?" I questioned. "Well we are soulmates after all," Fred started. "So it's normal for soulmates to share dreams when they first meet," George continued. "Hence why we are here," They finished together. I smiled happy that I was able to see them again. Then I remembered how I am home alone so I let out a sigh.  They quickly notice this. 

"What's wrong flower?"They ask at the same time. "Well you see I won't be able to see my grandfather until Christmas. Even then there's a chance I won't be able to see him still,"I explain to them. "Don't worry love you'll have us,"George told me while giving me a hug. "I also have 8 soulmates in total,"I told them slowly. They looked at me wide eyed towards each other when I said that. "Will you still accept me as your soulmate?"I shyly asked them. They snapped their heads quickly towards me and I thought they would give themselves whiplash. "Of course we still do,"Fred told me while embracing me in a hug. "Why would you ask such a silly question?"George questioned, embracing me after Fred. "I have 8 soulmates and you'll have to share me with 6 other people,"I explained. "That doesn't matter to us because you were meant for us," Fred comforted me. I smiled and slowly the dream was slipping away. "I'll see you 2 in a few days." Was the last thing I said before waking up.

I sit up in my bed when the maids come in to open up the curtains. "Good morrow Ms. Drosselmeyer," Sylvia, my favorite maid, greeted me. "To you as well madam," I replied. I pushed the covers off of me and walked over to my wardrobe. "Can you help me choose what to wear today Sylvia?" I politely asked her. She gave me a warming smile and helped me choose what I shall wear. I wore an ankle length burgundy skirt with a tan blouse that I tucked in. My hair was side braided and I put on my mini heels. She walked me to the dining room to get me some breakfast. I sat down and started reading the paper. The only news there was in the paper was about how new students will be going to Hogwarts. Sylvia brought me a plate of breakfast that had an omelette with home fries and some fruit on the side. She also gave me a cup of water and I knew I had to ask about soulmates. "Sylvia. Can you sit with me today please?" I asked her. "Of course Clara I would love to,"She replied with a smile. She sat down next to me and we talked while I ate my breakfast. "Do you know anything about soulmates?"I randomly asked her. She looked at me shocked which then turned into an excited expression. "I have been waiting for the day we get to talk about this,"She beamed.

She first told me all about the marks and how to know when you meet your soulmates. Supposedly when you meet them, your mark starts to burn and eases down when they accept you. "Why have you brought this up Clara if you don't mind me asking?" She questioned. "Well I met 2 of my soulmates yesterday at Diagon Alley,"I blushed with a smile on my face. "Merlin's beard Clara. How many do you have?"She asked. "I have 8 soulmates in total and so far I have met 2 of them,"I smiled. "Who might they be?" "Their names are Fred and George Weasley. I had lunch with them yesterday after they helped me find what I needed for school," I explained to her. "Weasley?! Oh I am so happy to know you have finally met 2 of them and I hope the other 6 are at Hogwarts as well,"She smiled at me which I returned. After breakfast she helped me get ready for tomorrow. Hopefully Hogwarts will be my new home, like everybody says, after all.  

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