Diagon Alley

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Grandfather and I arrive at this supposed Diagon Alley when we were by a....brick wall? I thought my life changing in 24 hours was bizarre but I think my grandfather has lost his marbles if he thinks this wall is an alley. The coachmen helps us out of the carriage and waits for us. "Why are we by a wall grandfather instead of at this Diagon Alley?" I question. "Patience young one. There's more than what meets the eye," he told me like this was normal. He pushed in the brick and I was ready for the wall to collapse on us but it splits in half instead and reveals and very lively alleyway. This must be the supposed Diagon Alley he was telling me about. "Now Clara, you'll be going shopping for your school supplies on your own since I have business to take care. I'll be back in 2 hours. In that time period, you can shop for what you need and get something to eat before I come and get you. If it's longer that 2 hours I will send an owl with a letter. Is that clear Clara?" he instructs me. "Yes grandfather. See you in 2 hours," I told him with a smile. He nodded his head at me and went back into the carriage. I let out a sigh and walked through the entryway that closed behind me.

I have no idea where everything is since I know nothing about Diagon Alley or what is all here. I am truly lost. I accidentally bump into ginger twins. "My apologizes. I don't know where I am going," I apologized. "It's okay," the one on the left said. "We will be glad to help you around here if you will like," the one on the right said. I smiled as I felt 2 of my soul-marks burn my skin. "That will be amazing. Thank you,"I told them. They linked their arms with mine and away we walked. "I'm Clara Drosselmeyer by the way. You 2 are..." I introduced myself to them. "I'm Fred-" "And I'm George-"" And we're the Weasley twins," they finished. I giggled as they did that. They started blushing when I giggled. "It's a pleasure to meet you Fred and George Weasley. Now where can I get a wand around here?"I asked them. "Over at Ollivanders of course," George told me. "They have the best wands and almost every witch and wizard gets their wands from there," Fred exclaimed. "Well then, that shall be our first destination in our adventure together," I said excitedly. They smiled at me and I returned a smile as well.

We got to Ollivanders and I see an older gentleman at the counter. "Well if it isn't the young Clara Drosselmeyer making her appearance outside of the mansion and into the world of magic. I'm Ollivander and this is my family's store,"Mr. Ollivander greeted. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Ollivander. I was wondering if you would have a wand for me that I can have?" I asked him. "I think I have the perfect wand for you," he told me before he disappeared behind the desk. He returned back with 3 boxes. "This one here has the feather of a Pegasus, it is 10 and 3/4 inches long and made with oak wood," he explained to me. I waved the wand and the one cabinet flew open making the papers inside fly out of it. "I am so sorry Mr. Ollivander," I told him quickly, but gently, placing the wand down. "It's okay young one. It happens every time someone comes to get a wand," he assured me. He placed the wand back in it's box and grabbed the one next to it. This one had a veela hair core, 11 inches and made with mahogany wood. I waved it again and the same thing happened as well with the third wand. "I have a wand that might be the perfect fit for you," he told me. I look over at Fred and George and I see them looking at me with...adoration in their eyes? That's new for me even though they are 2 of my soulmates.

Mr. Ollivander comes back with another wand. "This wand here is made with spruce wood from the Tree of Life with an angel feather core, 12 3/4 inches and slightly flexible. This is the only wand ever that has an angel feather core which makes it the most powerful wand in existence," he explained to me. I carefully grab the wand and in an instant, I feel connected to the wand. "This one if perfect. Thank you Mr. Ollivander,"I smiled at him. "Only a powerful witch like yourself can control the power the wand has," he told me. We bid Mr. Ollivander goodbye and went to go get fitted for my robes and my uniform. We went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to get fitted for my robes. "Which house do you think I will be in?" I ask the boys. "Well you are too nice to be a Slytherin for sure," George told me. "You are smart like a Ravenclass though,"Fred continued. "And you are brave like a Gryffindor," George said. "But in the end you might be-""A Hufflepuff," they finished in unison. I am still amazed at how well they finish each other's sentences so well. I guess it's a twin thing. "What house are you in?" I asked them when we entered the shop. "Gryffindor," they told me in unison. 

I got fitted for my robes and got my other supplies for school with the twins. The whole time we were laughing and having fun with each other. It felt like I knew them for years when I just met them half an hour prior. They told me about themselves and I did the same. When they were telling me about their family and mentioned their younger brother Ron, butterflies filled my stomach and that made me wonder that Rob might be another one of my soulmates. I didn't have much to explain to them about my family since it's just my grandfather and I who live together. "Would you like to get something to eat with us?"Fred asked me. "I would love to," I smiled. We walked to this place called The Three Broomsticks. Apparently this place has a drink called Butter beer. Before we walked in, an owl came towards me with a letter. Automatically I knew it was from my grandfather. I took the letter and gave the owl and tender kiss on the head before it flew away.

I let out a sigh when I finished the letter. "What's wrong flower?"Fred asked. "My grandfather told me he won't be home until a few days after I have arrived at Hogwarts so he won't be seeing me off. The coachman will. How embarrassing," I said sadly. This is the first time my grandfather will be gone for more than a few hours with business. It's rather odd, but I don't question it. "Cheer up sunshine. We'll meet you between platform 9 and 10 so then you will come on the train with us,"George cheerfully told me. "Brilliant idea brother. I wish I have thought of that," Fred agreed with his brother. "Well one of us has to have some brains,"George joked. "Thank you so much. It means a lot," I gratefully told them. We went in and had lunch together. We bid our farewells afterwards and went our separate ways. When I left Diagon Alley, the carriage was waiting for me. "Thank you," I finally spoke to the coachman. "My lady you know we are to not speak to each other," he told me. "Well you will be the one watching me head off to Hogwarts so I thought I shall thank you for being an amazing coachman," I told him. "It's my pleasure my lady," he smiled at me. After that we headed home where I will be alone with the maids and butlers for a while. 

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