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It had been 2 weeks since the night at the bar. Slowly but painfully you kept removing Spencer from your mind. That one moment when everyone was leaving the bar kept replaying in your head and it helped you keep your feelings for Spencer locked away


You were walking down the block with Emily about to go separate ways 

She turned to you

"Y/n back at the bar" she cleared her throat "That kiss was great but we are only friends right"

Since you were drunk you got cocky "Oh please Emily don't fool yourself you could not handle any of this" you said highlighting your curves 

She laughed "Oh I beg to differ"

"Well if you ever need to de-stress you know who to call" you winked at her

"I just might" she said giving you a hug and walking away

Both of you knew that both of you weren't going to hook up but decided to flirt this one night 

You started walking towards the end of the street to hail a cab. But you heard giggling 

"I love you" it was Spencer talking to Maeve

They were around the corner

"I love you too" she giggled

"I know I'm drunk and sound stupid but you are sooo pretty" you turned for a second and saw Spencer twirl Maeve around

"I think you have said that a couple times before" she giggled 

"How do we get home again"  he said wrapping his arms around her waist

"Mr. Eidetic memory can't remember how to go home" you saw her cup his face with her hands 

"Oh yea I do know how to get home" he said kissing her

They both giggle and held on to each other tightly 

"I'll drive" she said pulling away looking for her keys

"Baby we took an uber here"  pulling her back in

"Right I knew that" she said laughing pulling back to hold his hand

"Come on let's go home" he placed a small kiss on her forehead 

They looked so happy together

You returned your thoughts back onto the case. The unsub was killing young couples he saw leaving clubs and bars. The team kept hitting dead ends and had no clue on what to do next.

"Undercover" you whispered

"What was that" Rossi spoke up

"Undercover" you looked up from the file to look at the team "There is only one club the unsub hasn't hit yet that's in his comfort zone.. we need people to go undercover as a couple and attract the attention of the unsub tonight since it's Friday and the club will be full of potential victims"

"Yes we could set up parameters around the area and send some of us in as regular party goers" JJ spoke

"Y/n and Spencer" Hotch spoke "Both of you will be the couple'

"Wha-...I-... Why us" you spit out

"Both of you are the youngest on this team and he is only attracted to young couples" he spoke

"He wants to destroy their happiness so both of you have to act like your in love" Derek turned to look at you

"Right" Spencer looked nervous

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