Chapter 5 return to present

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As everyone woke up in the throne room they all looked up and saw yugi's soul being put back slowly lowered back into the arms of shadi yami and the others ran towards yugi the wrapped up his wrist and shadi took him to the bed chamber to rest yami went to stay by his side when shadi came in and looked a bit angry at yami for hurting yugi. The doctor then came in

Yami:how is yugi
Doctor:he is too stressed and his heart was broken that's why the pain started he needs rest his majesty has been though a lot so you need to slowly gain his trust that's all I can say

As yami nodded his head he looked at yugi and kissed his forehead as for a long time he was in love with yugi but it was all yami's fault he turned yugi into a hurt bloodied flower yami will do all he can to gain yugi's trust again

A few days later yugi wakes up and shadi and mana was sat in a chair near his bed side

Mana: my king your awake we were all worried about you
Yugi:im fine mana please calm down

Yugi then looked at yami still feeling hurt with what happened in domino City he stood up slowly

Yami:I'm going to try and be better also to gain your trust yugi
Yugi: we will see how that will turn out

Yugi then walks out of his bed chambers to continue his royal duties as king

On the other hand after a year has passed and they were all friends again but something sparked In tea's  mind it was a rage of jealously between yugi and yami and was going to make sure she has yami to herself so she came to a conclusion to make yugi hate yami

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