Chapter 1 yugi loses

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As the final duel was in play yugi and atem was dueling when the final card was played yugi then fell on his knees looking up at atem and he looked so angry he wanted to go back to the afterlife but atem knew yugi ruined that for him atem turned to everyone he walked out everyone else followed him out of the tomb on the way back to domino City nobody wanted to talk to yugi they were on atem's side who was now back to the name yami

Yugi: please everyone please talk to me I'm really sorry

As yugi and the others got back to there hometown they all left yugi's side one by one all they did was stare at yugi with angry looks

All yugi could do was fall into the darkness as he had no friends left his soul was crumbling down he lost his dueling partner yugi was also in love with yami but he now can't say anything so he decided to go straight home but as he got there he had more destressing news his grandpa was in hospital after suffering a heart attack the doctors said that his grandpa only has hours to live after hearing this he ran to the hospital when he got there

Doctor: who are you here to see
Yugi:my grandpa I'm yugi muto and my grandpa's name is Solomon muto
Doctor:of course this way Mr muto your grandpa is in room 202
Yugi:thank you doc

Yugi then walks into the room and his grandpa looked at him then he weakly smiles at his young grandson yugi and his grandpa talked for a few hours then after those hours where up yugi's grandfathers light gave out
Yugi: rest in peace grandpa... I will miss you terribly

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