Chapter 6 love and betrayal

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As her plan came into effect she manged to get yami alone but had one of the servants take pictures of tea kissing yami then had mana deliver the picture as yugi saw it his anger swelled up he screamed he ended up smashing some glass on the floor

Mana: your majesty
Yugi:get yami and that heartless woman out of the Palace NOW!!!!!!!
mana: yes your majesty

Yami saw the pictures and decided to run to yugi but as  he got to yugi's bed chamber yugi threw stuff at yami


As yugi got more mad and angry then something changed in yugi it was dark and sinister he went to the throne room every servant was looking at yugi he was pale with a tint of red in his eyes he looked at mana and shadi and ishzu they all looked worried


they all got back to work when they did yugi got more pale as the day progressed mana and shadi looked at each other as they don't want to see yugi like this as they went to see if yugi was alright they got to his room opened the door and yugi was coughing they got closer the looked at yugi's hand and he was coughing blood yugi looked up to mana and shadi helped the young king up

Yugi:I really am just a bloodied flower aren't I.......

The doctor comes to see yugi the next day but it wasn't good news yugi's life was decreasing by the day

Yugi: if I die I want to reincarnate to be better so no one hurts me again

Ishzu rushes in

Ishzu:my king it wasn't yami's fault it was tea she planned the whole thing she waned yami to her self I found out from a couple of servants she told them to take a picture of yami and her together

Yugi:is that so...... So he didn't break my heart..... He kept... His... P..... Promise

Shadi:please stay awake my king

As yugi had another bloodied coughing fit yugi was getting weaker and weaker

Yugi:y...... Yami..... Y.... Yami... Y..... Y..... Ami

As yugi closed his eyes he fell into a coma but for health reasons he had to be transported to a hospital back in Japan since there wasn't any hospitals in his part of Egypt a few servants went with him to protect yugi as he was in observation by the doctors Ishzu went back to yami since he went back to Japan after he got kicked from the Palace

Ishzu:yami we need to talk yugi is in a coma we had to transfer him to the hospital here in Japan

Yami: oh my ra you serious please lead me to yugi

As the both went to the hospital and yami saw yugi lying there lifeless yami wanted to help yugi to get better this was all tea's fault if she never set yami up yugi and yami would of been fine but tea was going to get what she deserves because the police was called by yami and the others so when tea's parents found out that their daughter pushed the king of Egypt on the edge she not only got disowned but she also got arrested by the police and charged with a lot of crimes against the crown once that drama was finished yami stayed with his partner hoping yugi would wake up soon yami prays to the gods hoping to save the one he loves the most in his life

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