Chapter 6

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Question after question whizzed around inside her head. Lilium looked around her chamber , from the moss covered ground, to the smooth wood that surrounded her. There was only room for one faery in here, and even that was a bit of a stretch. You're trapped. You always have been.
Suddenly, she didn't know what she was even doing with her life here. Her whole life had been to please others, to train so that she could defend others against the 'Poxies', but she'd never even seen anything in battle. Her entertainment consisted of talking with Hybris or praying. What did her and Hybris ever even talk about? She strained her thoughts, to try and think of something... They talked about leaving the Hollow and making a life together. Hybris had always been far more passionate, telling Lilium about plans to escape and how they could get away. But Lilium had never listened. She always just said that they would be granted freedom one day... But now, more and more, Lilium was starting to doubt this. It was as if she could see clearly for the first time, like a cloud had been lifted from her. And then, the thought struck her. The Queen doesn't want you to leave.

She looked around her tight, cramped room, feeling crushed, like the tree was coming down on top of her. Then a feeling of hopelessness and panic crashed down on her all at once. It wasn't a coincidence that the Queen didn't let her go and help Hybris with the so called Poxies. It wasn't by mere chance that Lilium was assigned an apprentice at the most inconvenient time. You are trapped here, and there is no way you are ever going to be able to leave this place. Her body began to shake, as she felt panic rise in her. No escape. She couldn't breathe, she was convulsing with terror, as the word's replayed in her head again and again and again.
"No escape."
Her vision faded to black as she passed into the world of oblivion.


Some time had passed, how much exactly she wasn't sure. In front of her eyes she could see blurry figures coming to life. As her vision focused, she realised that there were three other faeries in the room, two random ones she did not know the names of, and... her. The third warrior, who she hadn't seen in a very long time. Her eyes looked worn, and her hair looked like it hadn't been attended to in a long time. Amaris. Just Amaris, she had no second name. For a reason unknown, she had decided against taking on another name. What was going on? Lilium was no longer in her own chamber, she had just noticed...Wait, where was she? Her voice returned and she asked, "Where am I?" After a short silence, Amaris replied, "My chamber."
"Where have you been?" asked Lilium.
"Ah, I've been out of the public eye for a while now. The Queen... Isn't happy with me."
"I know that feeling... What did you do? And wait... Why am I here?"
Amaris looked around, almost nervously, making sure that nobody was listening. She lowered her voice to a whisper, and her words sent a shiver up Lilium's spine, "I found out the truth."
The truth. What was the truth? Amaris continued speaking, "And the reason that you are here... Well, you're becoming more like us, we have noticed. Your self-awareness is becoming better and better, your immunity is developing... You've always had it in you, it just took a little push for you to really start thinking about things. We've been watching you. That sounds a little strange, but hear us out. Things here, are not as they seem,  which you have now noticed, and you had a panic attack. We noticed the signs, so we decided to help-"

Suddenly two male faeries burst into the chamber and shot a stun spell at Amaris. They shot two more at the other two faeries in the room, before shouting at Amaris, "What have you been told about spreading this heresy, Amaris!? The Queen gave you one more chance warrior, and you have blown it. Look at Warrior Nightingale here... She's starving for more moondust, and you have taken advantage of that to try and twist her mind. You will be greatly punished for this, Amaris!" Their magic was sub par, but going on brute strength alone, they were two of the most powerful faeries aside from the Queen herself. They turned to Lilium, and helped her to get up. "Do not worry Warrior, these...criminals  will be sorted out. Meanwhile, you will be taken to the Moonstone chamber. You have been starved of it, you need to be replenished." But Lilium didn't even feel hungry.. More faeries entered the room and, they grabbed Amaris and the other two faeries. "You will pay greatly for this, Amaris." Spoke the largest faery, who had his grip on Amaris. Amaris choked out, "As if. You need to hold a trial first.." it sounded to Lilium like Amaris was trying to reassure herself. The large male spoke with a smile on his face, "There will be no trial."

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