Chapter 32 (last chapter)

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It was around 7 pm . I looked out of my window and stared at the snowy sight . Houses were decorated with Christmas lights , people were marked with red and green garments , it was indeed a holy night full of love and joy.
I'm glad I went to visit the people at the hospital in the morning because packing took a lot of time.
I finished packing my belongings in the suitcase then i put on the clothes to get ready.

"Hey bells " Lilly says as she sits on the bed .

"Oh lil can you get the rest of my clothes from the washing machine downstairs?" I ask as I fold the last trousers.

"Oh sure yeah " she replies and goes downstairs.

She comes back with the dry clothes and sits on the bed silently with the same position .
I pause and look at her patiently " what's up lil?" I chuckle.

"Do you really have to go ?" She sighs.

"Yes Lilly " I laugh .

"Weren't you the one who wanted me to go out more and explore the world ?" I say excitedly.

"Fine alright .. you promise you won't find a new Italian best friend?" She pouts.

"I promise " I smile.

"No matter what? because they're pretty fun" Lilly continues.

"You're the kind of fun I'll always love lil " I insist and hug her as she hugs me back.

"What about art ? " she hesitantly speaks.

"What about him?" I ask ignoring the pain in my chest that arisen as I heard his name.

"You still love him bella" she states.

"I know I still do " I say and close the suitcase and put it at the door.

"It's not meant to be and I can't force myself to try harder " I say and sigh as I go and sit beside Lilly.
"Not forcing but fighting for him" she objects.

"I mean I'd fight for Marco because I know I love him " she explains and holds my hand.

"I know that You and Marco have something beautiful , and you're both so lucky to have each other . But I can't do this with Art .. he's right how can mom and I have dinner with his dad normally? " I laugh sadly .

"He says that it's not okay because it would be uncomfortable for me and him .. and I figured it out now .. what he meant , honestly I don't know if I can be okay with that either " I finish sadly and take a breath out.

"But your mom said that she's okay and she knows what kind of person Art is " Lilly says trying to convince me.

"He's his dad Lilly .. problems will arise and there will be bad blood .. it's just too hard.. even if I agreed I can't be the only one who's willing to try alone. " I say and my voice cracks at the end.

"Bella it's okay I get it I'm sorry I just wanted what's best for you " Lilly soothes and strokes my hair.
" yeah I know lil " I smile.

Marco and tyler entered the room and stared at Lilly and I.
"What a scene " tyler speaks shaking his head.

"Please you were even sadder than this when you knew bella was going to Italy " Marco remarks as tyler gives glares at him.

"Dude ! " tyler half whispers.

I laugh and go with them downstairs.
We were all sitting in the living room , tyler and Lilly on the chairs beside the fire pit and I was sitting on the couch in front of them.
As Marco comes back from the kitchen and approaches the couch.
"Call me as soon as you get there okay?" Lilly says worriedly.

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