Chapter 4 - Ending 2

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Midoriya POV

I open my eyes to a bright white room. Wires and tubes run from my body to different monitors. My chest is achy and my head is spinning. My body is shivering and I know I am nearing the end. My throat feels tight as I lean over the bed coughing up more blood. Recovery Girl hears my coughing and comes over to check on me. We sit in silence until she finally speaks up. 'Bakugou has been in here every day since you blacked out. He won't go back to the dorms and the only time he's not here is when he has classes' she says. My mind feels fuzzy and my heart feels warm.

Kacchan cares about me?

My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening. Bakugou walks in and sees me sitting up in bed. His eyes widen as he drops his bag and runs over to me. 'I thought I lost you Izuku, what the hell happened?' He says pulling me into a hug. I look at the floor and then at Recovery Girl who is pushing me to tell him. 'I have forget me not disease' I explain. 'Forget me not?' Kacchan questions. 'Yeah, It's a disease caused by one-sided love. The victim slowly loses memories of the one they love and their health deteriorates the longer it's left untreated. The last stage is total memory loss before death. I've been suffering for the last month because... I love you Kacchan' I say the last part in a whisper. He looks at me stunned before whispering back. 'I love you too... I just didn't think you would want someone like me' My chest begins to clear. 'Well looks like you might live after all' Recovery Girl laughs. 'WAIT HE WAS GOING TO DIE?!' Kacchan yells. 'He would've in 3 days max if he didn't say anything' Recovery Girl replied. 'His body will still need time to recover though. He'll be in a wheelchair for the next week or so until his body strengthens and no training' she explains. Recovery Girl checks me over again before letting me leave with Kacchan. 

He wheels me down the empty corridors to the front of UA where Aizawa is waiting to take us back to the dorms. 'I'm glad your okay problem child' Aizawa smiles. We get back to the dorms and Kacchan wheels me inside. 'You hungry, Izuku?' Kacchan asks as a few people run up to me. 'Yes, I haven't eaten in days' I reply. He walks over to the kitchen while everyone bombards me with questions. I try to answer most of them and reassure everyone that I'm okay. I wheel myself over to the pantry and try to grab the noodles to help Kacchan. I can't reach so I lean forward putting some of my weight onto my legs. My legs give out and I end up on the floor. 'Whoops' I laugh and Kacchan helps pick me back up and into my wheelchair. He scoulds me for trying to help and gives me a peck on the cheek. He finishes making up the katsudon and places it in front of me. I smile gratefully and dig in. I finish the whole bowl in record time. I wheel myself over to the sink and try to wash the bowl even though I'm too short for the counter. Kacchan helps before wheeling me up to my room. He helps me get changed while I have another coughing fit and lays me on the bed. He snuggles up beside me as he buries his face in my hair and I bury my face in his neck taking in his caramel scent. 'I love you Kacchan' I whisper 'I love you too Deku' he whispers back. We both fall asleep in each other's embrace, happy that everything was how it was supposed to be.

Forgotten Love - BakuDekuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora