Chapter 3

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Midoriya POV

It's been a week since I saw Recovery Girl, a week since I told Uraraka, and a week that I have not told Kacchan. Aizawa-Sensei was told the situation and dragged me aside to talk to me. He keeps me out of training most days now. My body is getting weaker with every passing day and my head feels foggy with every thought about Kacchan.

I drag myself out of bed and groan at the aching deep in my bones. I try to get ready for school but my body doesn't want to co-operate. Uraraka knocks on my door and I let her in as I'm getting my shirt on. She helps me put on my tie and shoes before handing my bag to me. We make our way into the kitchen as we are met with a bouncing Kaminari. 'Hey, Midoriya! Are you okay? You don't look very well. Maybe you should skip class today' He says and I flinch at every word. I nod and grab the piece of plain toast Uraraka hands to me. I much on it slowly until my stomach turns. I run to the bathroom with Uraraka not far behind me. My legs almost give out on the way there but luckily I make it in time. I throw myself in front of the toilet just as my stomach forces my breakfast back up. Uraraka crouches down beside me and rubs my back. I wipe my face after I finish vomiting and rinse my mouth out. I feel so weak but a little bit better. Uraraka helps me back to the common room. Denki tries to question if I'm alright but Uraraka just gives some excuse about me having a stomach bug. He eventually stops bugging us and heads off to class. Uraraka has been so sweet this last week. She comes up with excuses when people question us, makes sure I eat even when I'm nauseous, and makes sure I don't push myself. She tries to get me to stay at the dorms today but I refuse. We make our way to class, walking slowly and taking breaks so I can breathe. Every step is torture and my knees feel weak but I don't let Uraraka notice. We eventually make it to our floor and see Kirishima and Bakugou outside the class. 'Morning Kirishima, Morning Bakugou' I say as I walk past. 'Hold on a second nerd' Bakugou's voice rumbles through the hall and my head pounds, making me flinch. 'Did I do something wrong?' He says quietly. 'No, why?' I ask questioningly. 'You only call me Bakugou when you're angry' He says almost scared. 'I always call you Bakugou, what else would I call you?' I say with a smile. 'You usually call me Kacchan' He says confused. 'Ka... cchan?' I say. 'Just forget about it' He says as he turns back to Kirishima, I swear I can see a tear forming in his eye. I start coughing again and lean against a locker. My world starts to spin as Uraraka fusses over me. Bakugou and Kirishima look on in confusion. Eventually, my breathing returns to normal and my world stops spinning. We make our way to the classroom and I take a seat. Aizawa looks at me with pity before starting the lesson. I daydream out the window only paying attention when Aizawa tells us to get changed and head to the gym. I beg Aizawa to let me train today and eventually he caves in. I head to the gym to get changed. I head to a stall. My muscles have faded and I look malnourished. The dark circles under my eyes show I haven't been sleeping either. I slip out of the changing room and head to the rocky cliff side where everyone is practicing. I choose a spot near the top of the cliff because I want to practice shoot style at 20% and don't want to cause any structural damage. I power up OFA and aim a swift kick at the wall. I stumble backwards as my head spins and my lungs reel. My foot hits the edge of the cliff and my world goes black.

Bakugou POV

'MIDORIYA!' Kirishima yells. I look up to the landing just slightly higher up than me. Deku is swaying back and forth on the edge of the cliff before slipping off the edge.


His body falls to the ground and I run towards him, using my quirk to propel myself into the air and catch him in my arms. We go tumbling onto the ground and I check to make sure Deku is okay. His breathing is erratic and he is shivering in my arms. His body is radiating heat as well. Aizawa comes running over to check us. He takes one look at Deku and orders me to take him to Recovery Girl. I hold Deku close to my chest as I sprint down the halls to Recovery Girl's office. I slam into the door to open it, almost giving the poor old lady a heart attack. She ushers me over to a bed and I lay Deku down. She goes to grab some ice packs from the freezer and wrap them in old rags. She hands me them and tells me to place them on his leg, under his arms and on his stomach as she grabs a mask. She places it over his mouth and nose and pumps it slowly. I watch the rise and fall of Deku's chest.  I don't even notice I'm crying until a tear hits my hand. I bring my hand up to my face and wipe away the tears. I've seen Deku injured before, this should be normal now but this feels different. He looks like he's on death's door. I sit down in the chair beside Izuku's bed and watch Recovery Girl move. She hooks up wire and tubes to Deku. I can see the steady pace of his heart on the monitor. I don't even notice when the bell rings and Aizawa enters to check on Deku. He stands at the foot of the bed closely monitoring his student. Recovery Girl comes and stands next to him at the foot of the bed. Aizawa's usually harsh expression softens and he begins to break. He leans against the railing and I watch silent sobs take over his body. 'I knew it was a bad idea to let him train, I knew his body couldn't handle it but he begged and I couldn't bear it, and now... now, we might lose him...' Aizawa's voice cracks at the end as Recovery Girl comforts him. I've never seen him upset before and I can't stand the sight of it. I get up and walk back to the dorms, not talking to anyone. It's like my body is on autopilot. I slowly make my way up the stairs to my room. I close the door behind me and lock it. I finally break as the fear finally hits me. My knees give out as my legs hit the ground. I feel like I can't breathe. I can feel the tears falling down my cheeks and hitting the floor. I don't know how long I stayed like that for but a knock at my door pulled me out of my thoughts. 'Bakubro, Dinner is ready. Are you going to come down?' Kirishima says through the door. I don't even think before opening the door and wrapping my arms around Kirishima. 'Whoa! Hey, Is everything okay?' Kirishima questions. I just look up at him as he takes in my puffy, red eyes. 'It's bad, isn't it...' Kirishima whispers and I nod. He leads me back into my room and we sit on me floor in each others embraces. 'He will be okay, If anyone will get through this it would be Midoriya' Kirishima whispers in an attempt to comfort me. I don't even notice when my eyelids feel heavy and I fall asleep in Kirishima's arms.

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