Letter to the creepy guy who stares at me in class

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Dear, creepy guy who stares at me in class, always asks me to dance at the ball and shows off at me in food tech

You. Yes, you. I can see you staring at me, and when I look at you, you look somewhere else. And when I look away, you stare again.

Yea, I know your staring at me. All through maths, you were looking at me. But really, ALL THROUGH MATHS?!?!

And when you repeatedly asked me to dance at the ball, you didn't think it was weird too? (Yea, just to tell you, your a really good dancer) :3

Now, your probably gonna think I'm shouting at you, and telling you not to do these things... but you would be wrong.

I find it cute when you look at me in class. I feel like someone is actually paying attention to me!

In my life, hardly anyone hears what I have to say in class, but you listen to me.

And when you choose me to dance at the ball all the time. I'm never not chosen. And I don't have to pair up with another girl. I really appreciate that.

Oh, and food tech. Really? Using a tea towel to smack your friend? Classic. Whenever I'm washing dishes, (which is practically all the time) you always make me laugh.

I know this is going to sound really cheesy, (get it? Like we do food tech? And it's cheesy? Like cheese?) but I love how we talk and have conversations about England. Even though you know hardly anything about England.

And when you try doing an English accent, and then I completely beat you at an English accent. That's fun.

I can't forget, after you get embarrassed, you blush. That is so cute! I know guys don't like being called 'cute' but it's the only way to describe it.

When you blush, I feel my cheeks burning up, making me blush too.

Now, after this whole letter, I'm just gonna make things clear; I don't have a crush on you but if you have a crush on me and you ask me out then I will be more than happy to agree.

But your really shy and you probably won't have the courage to ask me out.


That's cool.

You want me? I'm here.

If you want, we can be friends? Like, boyfriend and girlfriend, or just friends.

You decide.

Okay, let fate decide our destinies.

K, Baii!


Btw, when you look away and smile after staring at me, that SH!T's hot.

P.S, in dance when guys hold me, I feel uncomfortable and awkward. But when you hold me... I don't know why but I'm quite happy in your arms.

(Yea, this letter is TOTALLY NOT CHEESY! Like the pizza you made. I think you used the whole 1kg block for your toppings. It was like yellow snow.)

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