strawberry kisses

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hi! I'm back guys! And by back, I mean BACK! For good! Drink water babies!

"Liams bullying me- this is a big deal.." Jessica pouts as I have to explain (for the third time) that it's his turn with the remote tonight.

"No-! You're bully me," Liam rolls his eyes and grabs the remote back from her in one swift motion. She throws a pillow at him and before I can stop it- they're having a pillow fight.

"Okay I'm just gonna walk away from this before I get involved.." I say, slowly backing away from the chaos.

"Nonono we need teams!" yells Jessica, ducking so she wouldn't get hit.

"I'll text the group chat!" Liam runs to his phone and starts to type in the group chat with me them and the guys.

I bolt over to him and take his phone before he can send anything.

"Hey- what was that for?"

"Uh okay so before you and Jessica so rudely interrupted me- Jaeden and I had..a moment." I said, quietly.

"A MOMENT?" Yells Jessica, grabbing me by my shoulders and shaking me, "WHAT KIND OF MOMENT Y/N???"

"Just-! We ALMOST kissed, okay??!" I yell back, smiling a little. Liam starts smiling and bouncing a little.

"Y/n, this is HUGE!" Jessica yells, again. I'm really glad that they're excited about this, because all I am is anxious.

We spend the next few hours finishing up breakfast and cleaning up a little. All I could think about all morning was my moment with Jaeden. Was he thinking about me? I don't even understand how he could even look at me like that, I didn't think anyone really would- but especially not him.

"Okay, guys, what are we doing today?" Liam asked. We're all sitting on the balcony, looking out at the ocean.

"Maybe we do something with the boys today...?" Jessica suggests, smiling.

"Yeah, maybe you guys SHOULD do something with the boys!" Finn yelled down from their balcony above us.

"Hey! You know that's low key stalking, right?" I yell back.

"Nah, we're just being neighborly!" Jack shouts down.

We all get changed, and start walking down to the pool to meet up with everyone. I'm fidgeting slightly with my bracelets. What am I going to say to him? How am I supposed to talk to him about it? I'm so confused about everything I'm feeling, and I just hope that he has it more figured out than I do.

The pool is empty except for Finn, laying on a blow-up dolphin, very obviously high. Jack and Jaeden are off to the side, in the middle of a very intense game of connect 4.

"Hey guys!" Jessica smiles, running over to the side of the pool, "you all good Finn?"

"Cooler than a cucumber baby," he sings, floating along, dropping his sunglasses down a little, "what's the plan today?"

"I guess we could get our nails done? There's this cute little place downtown."

"Cmon Jess, I don't know if everyone's gonna want to do that," Liam half smiles, looking over at Jack, Jaeden, and Finn.

-Two hours later-

"Look, we can't BOTH have purple," Jack whines, "that's not even fair, I said I wanted it FIRST, and then you come here and STEAL my favorite color from me."

"Jack. I already explained this to you a thousand times. Purple makes my eyes pop. ANY color makes YOUR eyes pop. Try a nice lavender, or maybe sage!"


The poor nail artists are looking at us a little funny, so we came to a compromise. EVERYONE gets purple. We all walk out of the nail place giddy with happiness, each of our nails a different shade of purple. I keep looking over at Jaeden, and sometimes he looks back. His blue eyes mix with my y/c/e, and I have to look away before my eyes say too much. We all walk for hours, going window shopping, and playing truth or dare, kiss marry kill, and would you rather.

We stop into shops, watching the boys try on different hats and Jessica holding up skirts to everyone. Jack ended up buying a small fanny pack to keep all his stuff in (i.e. his phone, chapstick, and sunscreen). Finn bought another pair of sunglasses shaped like red hearts. Jessica spent more money than she had on any and all cute clothes, not that I'm complaining, I get to borrow all of them. I can't believe that I won't be spending my days with this group. Soon, I'll be back in school. Testing and bad dances. Short lunch periods. TESTING.

I groan.

We start walking back, and we end up making s'mores down by the pool. Hours of talking and eating, Jess and Liam fall asleep cuddled up by the fire, Jack and Finn fell asleep in the cabana. Jaeden and I have our legs dipped into the hot tub.

"So..." I start, kicking my feet a little.

"So...?" He says, looking at me. His skin glows a pale blue in the pool light, under the moon. It's warm but not too warm. Quiet, but not too quiet. The sound of palm leaves in the wind and the pool filters fill our silence. His hair falls in his face, framing his jawline, and I put my hair up gently. We make eye contact, and I try to communicate through our shared silence. I like you, dumbass. Say you like me back. Say ANYTHING.

But he doesn't.

Instead, in our shared silence, he reaches over and laces his finders through mine.

And that gesture itself says more than words could ever say.

And I melt completely.

A.N.: HEY GUYS! I have a new computer, which means DAILY updates! I love you all so so so much!

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