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Godzilla begun transferring some of the Enchantment energy to both Mothra and Rodan, the K-Squad were shocked.

Daniel: because we gave him GDF and Monarch's entire supply, there must have been more than enough to charge two more Kaijus up, so he's sparing some to Mothra and Rodan

Jacob: that way that should---*the Super-X3's incoming siren activated* INCOMING!!!!

the Super-X3 was struck by dark lightning from Bagan's horns, who had now broken free from the ice, the lightning slashed through the Super-X3's wings and thrusters, sending it down

Brian: shit! we're hit!! 

Liam and Sam steered the Super-X3 towards a road to crashland on

Liam: brace for impact!!!!

Sam: hold on!!!!

the Super-X3 crashed on it's belly on the road, smashing through debris such as wrecked cars and rubble and coming to a halt, taking serious damage. Thankfully the K-Squad suffered minor injuries

Matthew: is everyone okay??

Marisha: ugh, my head...

Taliesin: ugh, guys?...we best get out of here, he's coming!

on the monitors it showed Bagan stomping towards the downed Super-X3 ready to stomp on it crushing the K-Squad inside

Ashley: we're doomed! there's no way out!

Jacob: wait! LOOK!

before Bagan could get closer, he felt three strange powers rising behind him, he turned around and his eyes widened in shock!


The Enchantment energy fully supercharged Rodan, who got up and with a large screech, burst into a fiery tornado, when the tornado vanished, from the flames emerged Fire Rodan, unveiling his fiery wings, the Fire Demon let out a roar of pure rage at Bagan

The Enchantment energy fully supercharged Rodan, who got up and with a large screech, burst into a fiery tornado, when the tornado vanished, from the flames emerged Fire Rodan, unveiling his fiery wings, the Fire Demon let out a roar of pure rage ...

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Barb: *groans still wounded from Bagan's burst attack* wow, Rodan, babe, you look hot...

Baragon: wow...i'm jealous, and i'm the Fire Guardian no less....


after the Enchantment energy supercharged Mothra, healing up her wings, she curled into a ball, groaning in pain as the transformation itself was painful, her body begun changing appearing more metallic, suddenly she unleashed her god ray, unveiling her wings, when the light faded revealing Armor Mothra, the Queen Of The Monsters then stared at Bagan fearlessly letting out a cry

after the Enchantment energy supercharged Mothra, healing up her wings, she curled into a ball, groaning in pain as the transformation itself was painful, her body begun changing appearing more metallic, suddenly she unleashed her god ray, unveili...

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Battra: sister...?

Kirya; beautiful...


after giving Mothra and Rodan the energy, Godzilla himself started glowing blue as the Enchantment energy supercharged him, his eyes changed from orange to blue and his body begun changing, he unleashed an atomic breathe into the sky, for a moment piercing Bagan's darkness, after the transformation emerged Super Godzilla the ultimate hidden power of the King Of The Monsters

after giving Mothra and Rodan the energy, Godzilla himself started glowing blue as the Enchantment energy supercharged him, his eyes changed from orange to blue and his body begun changing, he unleashed an atomic breathe into the sky, for a moment...

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Daniel: Long Live The King...

Bagan was shocked at what he was looking at

Zilla: *coughs chuckling* is that fear, Bagan?

Bagan: silence!!! Whatever this is! it won't help! Prepare to Die!!!

Super Godzilla, Armour Mothra and Fire Rodan all charged at Bagan who charged back at them

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