Chapter 13 A Slap In The Face

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My feet are charging steadily and fast, my mind tried to stop them but my heart won't let them stop. Before I know it I'm outside Viola's class, waiting for her to come out. A minute later I see her walking out of class with Philicia, it looked like they were having a funny conversation, laughing like hyena's. That's when I walk towards her and stop her in her tracks.

"You short shit, what the fuck were you saying about me this morning, how dare you speak about me behind my back, who gave you the right to criticize me." I angrily yell at her.

"I'm so sorry, but I don't understand what's going on, why are you yelling at me Paige." That reply sounded so sincere, like she really had no idea what I was talking about, she was clearly a liar and utterly deceitful.

"Why are you acting imbecilic, you aren't dumb, you know exactly what I'm talking about, you and your third wheel Philicia, discussing me this morning in class. I was sitting right behind you Viola, I heard every disgusting word that you said about me". Here I am causing a scene, this was so unlike me, why was I getting all worked up over a petty issue. This fight felt deeper, it had a deeper meaning, I wasn't going to tell her the real reason I despised her.

"Have you ever heard of freedom of speech, I'm allowed to say whatever I want about you and there's nothing that you can do about it". She said that with a smirk.

Before I could even rational think I slapped her across the face, I'm not going to lie but that felt so good, I know it was wrong but I have been wanting to do that since forever, and now I finally did it.

"Maybe next time you will think twice about mentioning my name in one of you conversations", with that comment I stormed off again, I needed to cool off and I needed to speak to someone about what just happened. While walking away from the scene that I just caused I bumped into Liam, we literally collided face on. He just looked at my face, and that's when I told him, "You and your girlfriend better stay away from me, or that slap that I just gave her won't be the last one". I was pumping with adrenaline, my head full of doubts and regrets and my heart full of pain, I knew that my actions will have consequences but I was done with everyone taking me for a fool.

"No Paige, you better stay away from us, the way that you are acting isn't like you at all, where is the old Paige, please can she come back." He says this with pain and anger in his eyes, and I know that he only feels for Viola, I never crossed his mind, my feelings didn't matter to him after all.

"This is the real me Liam, I'm done pretending to be something I'm not, this is how I am and this is who I am, that's all I have to offer right  now, and you clearly left the old Paige, so there must have been something wrong with her for you to have treated her the way you did, so goodbye Liam, I hope you have a nice life with Viola".

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