Chapter 7 Its all about the Melons

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I tried to find Liam after school but he just disappeared, I couldn't see Viola anywhere either. I felt bad for her and I wanted to explain this whole messy situation, because apart from the feelings that I had towards Liam I actually did also like Viola, she was my friend and I didn't plan on hurting her that way. I wanted to explain what a misunderstanding this was and how she should not be coming up with any other conclusions. Apart from this day Liam had never shown any feelings that went beyond friendship towards me, he genuinely loved her, he loved Viola, and I should have known better then to push myself into their lives and to mess with their relationship.

We all managed to talk about the whole situation and finally get things sorted out, I had explained to Viola that Liam and I were so close that me giving him a piece of bubblegum that way wasn't at all strange but I could see how it would become strange from someone on the outside, and we agreed to never do such things as he was now in a relationship with her and she wasn't very comfortable with the way we act around each other. I can't say that I was happy about the whole thing, but then I looked at Liams face, and I realized how hurt he was, how apologetic he was towards Viola and how he didn't even give me a second look or he didn't even care how I felt, he knew that this was the first time that him and I had physical contact but it seemed to not phase him at all, it was like he didn't even care. What pushed me away was when he told Viola that I was like his sister, he compared me to his sister, he told her that she never has anything to worry about when it comes to him and I because I'm like a sister to him, a very close sister and she was the love of his life. That hurt me, I wouldn't lie, that hurt a lot, but then I realized that this whole fantasy that I've created in my head about him and I is just that, a fantasy. I decided to give them the space they needed and I decided to invest more of my time with Aaron.

I slowly started to really like Aaron, he took care of me, he walked me home everyday, he continued to surprise me with gifts that meant so much to me, he bought me the entire fifty shades of grey trilogy just because he saw me reading the books on my phone as a pdf, and I mean for a student who doesn't earn an income that must have been quite costly, he made me a website that he always updated with beautiful love poems and quotes as well as cute puppy pictures and flowers, I would go on that website everyday and I would see something new and my heart would just flutter, he was the sweetest, and I think I started to like him more and more each day. My feelings for Liam became nonexistent and the idea that Renè had put in my head about me just being sad that Liam didn't have any time for me anymore and that it wasn't actually romantic feelings started to make sense to me now. I had seen what real feelings looked like and I now knew that I had them for Aaron. At least I thought it was real.

Liam and I still spent the subjects that we had at school together but nowadays he was more eager for them to finish so that he could go straight to Viola. We would walk out the classes together and walk straight to Aaron and Viola, but somehow we would still turn around to look at each other, like a silent goodbye, because we knew that was all the time that we would get to spend with each other for the day. I did miss him but he wasn't my priority anymore. In all fairness, he stopped making me his main priority, so I had to do the same.

Liam had told me that unfortunately we wouldn't be able to chat much on the phone because Viola had been reading all of our conversations and she wasn't happy that we were texting so much, so we had stop chatting. We eventually decided to chat on Facebook messenger so she wouldn't be upset about us speaking, I wasn't going to stop speaking to my best friend so we found a way to speak without her knowing. We now started texting even more on Facebook and our conversations started to get a tad bit intimate. We never planned on anything getting out of hand but it just happened and this time it actually wasn't my fault. I don't know what it is but Liam just brings out a side to me I never thought could ever exist.

There was this lime green T-shirt of his that I absolutely loved, it had two watermelons on it that looked like ladies boobs, that was hilarious and that's why I loved it so much. I would laugh at Liam whenever he wore the t-shirt and I told him that one day that t-shirt will be mine. On one occasion Liam and I were randomly texting on Facebook about this t-shirt and I told him that I loved his melons and that they were so big, that's when he replied back and said my melons were the biggest, now I did have quite big boobs and I knew that a lot of guys noticed me for my boobs, but I never knew that Liam had noticed them, I mean he did say that I'm like a sister to him so why would he comment on my boobs. After that comment that he made he just stopped replying to me, I sent him like 5 messages asking him where he was but he just went offline. His profile on Facebook disappeared and I couldn't even send him anymore messages. I was so confused and I decided that I'd just ask him what's going on when I get to school the next day.

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