Part 5 Baby Shopping! With Clara?

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It's time to go baby shopping Clara can you help us? Um....ya..... River walk out the room to get so everyday clothes on.Clara so that do baby need? Well a crib at least 1 loving parents a highchair, bottles, changing table, toys, stuffed animals, play mat, pjj, and clothes for River and the baby and there so much more. Wow! And River walked in at play mat. Well we need to go shopping said River. The Doctor landed the TARDIS at baby-r-us. They walked in the Doctor walked to the toys and Claire walked with river to the crids. There are so many cribs. I know right. they look at i think about 10 crids and pick a lime green crid with pink frenge and a pink playmat and so oddeds and ends. The Doctor walked over with like 10 to 15 toys and, Clara sayed see i new that we did not need to go look at toys. River look at the toys most of them for your ages 3 and up but she will be a smart baby i just now that said River. Doctor and River and Clara walked back to the TARDIS. With all the stuff. Mum and Dad and Claire set up my room so river about 5 months and starting to show. (she bump if u did not now).

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