Part 3 Morning Sickness

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im joking! im not mean. And the doctor dropped her off at the prison and about 2 months later...... she back at prison and so people are starting to notice that is not acting like she self. She more hungry and she having. Morning sickness and with things couldn't get any worse they did I three years younger version of the doctor came in like a river do you want to go to the beach and screamed no and walk back in she cell at this point in time he still have amy and Rory so he was younger than and it wa about 2 month the last time she saw the doctor and the doctor said River get in the tardis nowok and get got in. River u are 2 or 3 months now. Today makes 3 months. Wow 3 months and your don't ever look fat. Awww stop flattering me. I'm not have you gain any pounds? Only 5 but I workout all the time it's either that or bingo. Doctors where Clara? Asleep oh.... I think we need to get some baby stuff. Ya we do. Let get them in the morning this baby is making me sleep a human but I looked up human pregnancies and it's like they've mostly sleep and eat. I'm almost always hungry and or tired. He kissed she lovely soft lips and ok u go get some sleep 1 door on your left and the 2 door on your left will me a nursery.

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