A Masked Party

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Grindelwald sits down at a table filling with food.

"Well, pick a seat. There's plenty to go around."

Astra looks to seats over.

"Won't your followers be joining?"

Grindelwald raises an eyebrow.

"They have their tasks; you aren't frightened by them are you?"

"No, but I am frightened by your taste in scenery. If you're going to have guests you really should think of remodeling. Honestly, faded red and chipped grey are out of style as of the 19th century."

Grindelwald laughs at Astra's remark and she smiles back at him. Gaining his trust through humor and memories; just as she plans.

"You are a spitting image of your birth mother, Astra. Down to the witty comments. The only difference is your eyes; you must get those from your birth father."

Astra remains calm as he mentions her mother; if only he knew what she knew.

"What happened with my birth parents anyway and how did I end up with the Davies?"

Astra asks, sitting down in the chair closest to Grindelwald. He sits at the head of the table. Credence follows suit with Astra.

"Well as you stated, Credence here gave you the rundown; what did he tell you?"

Grindelwald sips red wine from a cup.

"Long story short? I was a project designed by you and some vampire family to destroy the Ministry. He gave me bits and pieces of how that project came to but he didn't know everything; typical men."

Grindelwald chuckles.

"Yes, men can be a pain. Especially those you hold dear."

A house-elf offers Astra wine and she takes it. Grindelwald thinks a moment before speaking.

"Your mother was such an inspiring soul; loyal to the cause. I blame Albus every day for her change of heart. He filled her head with lies and that's what led to her tragic end."

"So who did it? Ended her life?"

Astra asks.

"It was your birth father, Astra. Your mother did not die immediately upon her return to the castle. Your birth father found her distraught with a limp infant in her arms. He saw Albus behind her and knew what had happened. He dragged your mother to me and told me what she had done; at that point, Albus had disappeared. We had no clue where you were and your mother would not give up your location. I suggested other methods of course; I wanted to give your mother a chance of redemption or perhaps a change of heart. Then she'd lead us to you. But your birth father was adamant about ending her life; he said a traitor should not live to see daylight. He killed her before I could stop him. And it haunts me every day that I was not able to. Afterward, he called me a coward for going soft, and in my rage, I wiped his memories. Every last one he'd ever obtained over his years of living."

"I find that hard to believe seeing as she was the first of her kind and impossible to kill without the special curse designed for her and her family."

Astra replies to Grindelwald.

Grindelwald gives Astra a confused look. She shouldn't have known that. But her father does.

"My adoptive father is a magical zoologist; the eldest to this date. He makes it his duty to learn about every creature and I was following in his footsteps."

This seems to please him as his confusion subsides.

Leta shows up behind Grindelwald.

"They're still working on a way to destroy the pact. They've only just begun; they aren't sure if they'll be able to. But they think there may be a hint somewhere here."

The History of The Other One (Astra Davies Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now