What's My Name?

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To say the Davies' lived in a house would be an understatement. Their place of residence resembled more of a small mansion; they had the money for it due to Charlie's longevity at his job. Joanne is also a retired Muggle nurse. 

Callum runs into the front room where he removes his shoes and coat and neatly stores them away before running towards the liveliness of the house. Astra begins to do the same and motions for Tina and Newt to do so as well. 

"Mum and the house elves will have a fit if you track so much as a dust bunny in. They work hard to keep this whole house clean, supposedly."

After removing their coats and shoes the three follow where they suspected Callum to run. They walk into a grand kitchen where the smell of fresh-baked cookies wafts through their noses. 

An older woman, maybe in her fifties, pops her head up from the oven with a rack of cookies in her hands. The woman has the same blonde hair and green eyes as Callum, but her face shows no similarities to his. She's also in a wheelchair. 

"Astra, dear, your brother tells me we'll be having guests for dinner tonight. I hope they're okay with roasted pork and vegetables."

Callum is sitting on a barstool, swinging his feet to the music playing in the background. 

"I don't like vegetables much, except for the potatoes. They're my favourite."

"Callum dear I wasn't asking you if you were okay with tonight's dinner. I was asking the guests. I know what you like."

Joanne checks on the roast and vegetables before wheeling herself around to another doorway. She calls up towards the stairs, 

"Charlie dear! Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes! You also have guests that have arrived!"

She wheels herself over to a cupboard and opens it up.

"Oh mom, let me help you set the table."

Astra starts to pick out eating utensils for six and take them out to their dining room. 

Tina begins to walk over to Joanne to help, but Joanne holds a hand up.

"No need to help dear, you're our guest. If you and your friend would like to sit out at the dining room table then that'll be just fine. I didn't catch your names though?"

"Uh, Tina Goldstein and Newt Scamander, ma'am."

Joanne chuckles,

"My husband heard about what happened in New York. He's fascinated with your work, Mr Scamander. I'm sure that's all he'll want to talk about over dinner."

"Or he might ask me about Astra's boyfriend

Astra throws a towel at her brother. 

"Mum, tell him to quit spying on Aurel and me."

"Callum, I thought I told you to quit spying on your sister and her friend?"

Callum chuckles, 

"I did. For like an hour. But then dad asked me to keep an eye on them because he didn't trust a man who couldn't even face his daughter's parents. And they're not friends; they're in love."

Astra gives Callum a death stare, 

"Mind your business before you become tomorrow's dinner."

"Astra don't threaten your brother, you hear?"

Charlie says as he walks down a set of stairs. 

Astra crosses her arms, 

"Maybe I should be threatening you then since you're the one who constantly wants him to spy on me. And you're a Wizard; why not just use a spell to spy yourself?"

The History of The Other One (Astra Davies Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now