All I Need Is You

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Now, in order to understand the miracle, we must go back in time once again. But this time, through Kion's perspective:


"Good luck, Angel."

He saw his girlfriend run off as he drew a sigh. He still felt bad he couldn't help, so he vowed to make it to where Rani and Baliyo would be as quick as lionly possible.

He was walking along his trail when he spotted something interesting. He could see Rani's tracks straight ahead, but he could also see tracks intersecting her tracks.

Upon very close inspection, he concluded the mysterious tracks were there after Rani's because, as a result of the mysterious tracks, part of Rani's tracks had pebbles and clumps of dirt over them.

Who were they from?

Why were they there?

His first hypothesis was that the tracks were from Rani, again, but they didn't fit the size. It come from something much, much smaller. It was almost like those of a porcupine's.

Then, upon even further inspection, it appeared to him to be many porcupine tracks. As a result, there was a dilemma at hand: Go to where Rani went or follow the newly-seen porcupine tracks?

If only Ono or Anga were here...either one of them could look ahead and tell me where I should go.

After asking for advice from the heavens, he figured following the most recent information would be best. The newest information: porcupine tracks going...somewhere. Where to? He hadn't known the place well enough to know.

He did know, however, that if he followed the tracks to the left, he would eventually find the Tree (after all, two lefts made a backwards), and he figured that would be the most likely place they were going to fight.

As he was walking back, his speed gradually increased. Maybe the pain was decreasing, or maybe the adrenaline was canceling out the pain (or maybe it was the thought of Rani in danger, though he wouldn't say), but he felt himself going a sizable amount faster than earlier.

On his way back, he could swear he saw something out of the corner of his eyes. But, when he looked, there was nothing there.

Then it happened again.

And it happened again.

And again.

By the fifth time, Kion knew there had to be something there. So, he pulled out on of his tricks from his bag of tricks, which had gathered a few since he had being accepted leader of the Guard.

After turning back around from his search to find what he saw, he acted like he was going to proceed back on his route. However, after a few seconds, he quickly turned back around.

That's when he saw the culprits: porcupines.

"Hey!" he shouted upon the sight he discovered. "What are you doing here?!"

They had been jumping into bushes when Kion would turn around, but they were spotted too soon this time.

Instead of answering him, the four porcupines looked at each other before immediately taking off in separate directions, away from Kion. Kion, however, just chuckled.

Why? The porcupines clearly had no idea who he was.

He planted his four paws into the ground and began his infamous roar. Once again, he had created a tornado, but this time, it had been four separate ones. The surprised look on all of their faces just couldn't be beat.

Kion wasn't one for torture, but he didn't know what else he could do. He saw a nearby tree and placed them onto the top of the tree.

Can porcupines climb on trees? Hope not...

Apparently, they can...who knew? Kion certainly didn't.

He placed them on the branches of the tree, and once he did, the porcupines all looked at each other (again) and climbed down the tree.

Unfortunately for them, Kion didn't lose his roar in the previous seconds and was able to get them back into tornadoes. Having no other option, Kion flipped them over and dug their quills into the ground. Effectively, they could not move.

"Hey! What's going on here?" he threateningly asked the porcupines in front on him, but he was meant with silence. "I know you can hear me!"

After being met with more silence, he knew he had to get going. Seeing that the porcupines had been trying to either ambush him or get to the Tree, he knew he must leave immediately.

He sighed at the animals who stayed in silence. "You guys were no help."

Even if they were enemies, he felt bad leaving them in a vulnerable position, so he made another tornado and slung them somewhere far away.

Luckily for Kion, he met no trouble on the rest of way to the Tree. Unluckily for Kion, he met absolutely nothing when he reached the Tree. At that point, there were so many footprints, he didn't have a clue where to go.

But then, he heard some increasing noises and saw his friends (and girlfriend!) running toward him. Before he could call out to them, they had already passed him. He supposed they couldn't see him; and being in a rush could only mean one thing.

He followed where they were heading, and he saw a sight he absolutely abhorred. The porcupines, those savages, were stealing from the garden of some flower. And judging by the Night Pride's reaction, it seemed very serious.

They were very vastly outnumbered, and he knew that only one thing could end the attack: a miracle.

Luckily, he knew just the thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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