It's A Great Morning

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His eyes slowly opened to the morning sun. The beautiful morning sun.

Kion looked over and saw Rani still sleeping like an angel. They say a picture paints a thousand words, but even if he tried, he couldn't paint her, for no words could ever describe how ethereal Rani was to him.

Holy cow! I'm worse than my sister and Kovu!

"Good morning, Kion."

Kion looked over to see Rani just open her eyes and begin to stretch. Without any control, he smiled.

"Why is it good morning?"

Rani giggled. "What do you mean?"

"I mean great morning, Rani, because that's what it is, isn't? A beautifully perfect morning," Kion contently sighed.

"You're such a romantic," Rani slightly shoved Kion, jokingly.

"Aww, but you love it."

"Change the it to something else," Rani whispered, looking down, so Kion couldn't hear.

A comfortable silence filled the air. It was just the two lions laying side by side, no worries haunting them. That is, until there was.

"What are we going to do?" Kion sighed. This sigh, however, was not one of content. This was one of confusion, sadness, and uncertainty.

Rani peered at him with puzzlement. "What do you mean?"

"The Tree of Life and the Pridelands...our homes...both very far away from each other."

"Oh," Rani realized the situation they were in. She took a deep breath. "Kion?"


"Promise me, no matter what happens, we will try to make it work..."

"Take out the try," Kion smiled, "and I can promise."

Rani gave him back a smile. "Whether we have to go our separate ways for a short time, I won't let go, Kion."

"Neither will I, Rani," Kion promised. "Neither will I."

"C'mon, let's get some water," Rani mentioned. "It helps me think."

"Okay," Kion agreed.

Rani got up and Kion followed...only he didn't. He got up only to fall right down.

"Ahhhh!!!" Kion yelped as soon as one of his paws touched the ground. "Man!"

Rani looked at him with heavy concern. "What's wrong, Kion?"

"My paw," Kion groaned. "I think I broke it when that leopard pushed me down."

"But you were able to walk before..."

"Well..." Kion began, "I had to act tough in front of the leopards and...well...they say love is the strongest emotion. It seemingly completely blocked out all the pain."

Rani giggled. "I need to come up with some romantic lines."

"But seriously," Rani's attitude changed to a serious one, "are you able to walk?"

"I think so, but only slowly, seeing as I can only use three of my four paws."

"Here, I'll help you," she offered as she stood beside Kion. "Put some of your weight on my side."

"Is the Tree of Life heaven? Because you really are an angel."

"That's it!" Rani happily exclaimed, hints of blush appearing through her fur from Kion's cheesy line.

The corner of Kion's lips tugged up. "A-ha! So you are an angel!"

Rani giggled. "You and your romantic lines." Although I do love them.

"No," Rani shook her head, "I know what to do."

"With what? Getting home?"

Rani nodded her head. "So, do you know how the Tree has healing powers?"

"Yes," Kion affirmed, not understanding what Rani was getting toward.

"Well, it looks like you have to come with me to the Tree of Life to get healed," she smirked.

Then, Kion realized what she was saying. "Ah, yes! But you know...only because I have to get healed."

"Of course," Rani nodded with a smirk.

Kion leaned on Rani as they started to walk toward the lake. "I wonder how much further till the Tree."

"Yeah," Rani agreed. "We could stay by here until your paw feels a little better, if you'd like?"

"Thanks, Angel..." Kion began until he noticed what he just said. "That's it! That my new nickname for you!"

"Hmmm...I'll have to come up with one."

"How about handsome?" Kion flirted.

Rani rolled her eyes. "You're"-not wrong-"gonna get a better name, I promise you."

"If you ever need help, I got plenty of 'em," Kion chuckled. "But anyways, I was saying there's no need to stay here, although it will take a while to get to the Tree. Hopefully I will be able to walk on my own soon. I feel bad having to rest on you."

Rani shrugged it off. "No, don't worry. I don't mind." Not at all.

Kion smiled, wondering how he got so lucky.

"Okay, here we are," Rani said as she slowly let Kion off of herself.

The both leaned down as they gulped some water. After they were satisfied, the duo leaned back as turned around.

"Should we get going?" asked Kion.

"We're not getting any younger," she smiled as Kion leaned against her.

It made them walk slower, but it made their hearts beat so much faster.

No need to be nervous. He's your boyfriend...insanely attractive, hilarious, good-hearted, way-to-good-for-you boyfriend.

No need to be nervous. She's your girlfriend...unbelievably beautiful, hysterical, pure-hearted, way-out-of-your-league girlfriend.

And maybe it was for that reason, the feeling that they were lucky to have the other, that they never let go of each other...ever.

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