Meet The Mother

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Kion and Rani both jumped away when they realized what was happening between the two of them. They both looked away from the other while heavily blushing. Rani looked over toward Kion to see if he was also blushing.

Is he blushing too? It looks like it...oh god! I think he caught me looking at him! Okay...look away and act like you weren't looking. Maybe I should look over to see if he's still blushing...uh oh! He's still looking at me...and now he's turning away...I should do the same. Rani then immediately looked away.

Kion, meanwhile, was going through similar thoughts of his own. Was she looking at me? I think she's blushing...she looks so pretty when she's blushing. Heck! She looks pretty all the time. Oh no! I think she caught me staring at her. Look away Kion, act like you weren't looking at her in the first place. Ughh...why did that lion have to ruin this moment. Wait? Who is that lion?

Kion changed his attention toward voice that just spoke. Rani also looked toward the voice. They realized the owner of the voice was another lion.

They noticed that Zane ran up to the lion and began to hug the lion. It seemed that the lion was a female. Must be his mother, Kion and Rani thought. They both watched from the side as Zane and his mother were reunited. It reminded both of them of their parents, which made them a little sad, but they were happy for Zane.

"Zane! I'm so happy I finally found you! I was starting to think they got you," Zane's mother joyfully exclaimed, still embracing Zane in a hug.

"No no, these lions found me and helped me," Zane said, motioning toward where Kion and Rani were.

Zane's mother looked at the two of them before smiling. "Thank you so much! I don't think I will ever be able to repay you for keeping my only son safe."

"Well..." Kion mentioned, remembering the earlier talk with him and Zane, "there may be one thing."

"What is it?" Zane's mother asked. "I'll be more than glad to help."

"Zane told me you know about the Pridelands...possibly the Tree of Life too?"

Zane's mother nodded her head. "Yes, I travel around all the time. I've been to both of those places plenty of times...I remember a long time ago, before I had Zane, I went to the Tree of Life to get healed."

"You've been healed at the Tree of Life before?" Rani questioned, not remembering ever seeing this lion before.

"Yes, but a very long time ago...probably before you were even born," Zane's mother said before turning her attention toward Zane. "That's actually how I met your father."

Zane looked at his mother with a awe-struck look to which his mother nodded.

"If you've been to both places plenty of times before...could you possibly tell us how to get there?" Kion asked, hoping for help.

"Of course! Just go this way..." Zane's mother said, motioning in the direction to where Kion and Rani were planning to head, "and once you get near that other side, you should see two rivers close to each other. One goes to the left and away while the other goes to the right and away. The one that goes left is a little bigger and leads to the Pridelands. The one that goes to the right is a little smaller and goes to the Tree of Life."

Kion smiled, grateful for the help. "Thank you...uhh...what's your name?"


"Well, Alyssa, I appreciate your help," Kion said before he decided to introduce himself. "I'm Kion, the Prince of the Pridelands and leader of the Lion Guard."

Kion then motioned for Rani to introduce herself to Alyssa. "I'm Rani, leader of the Night Pride at the Tree of Life."

"Oh! Are you two mates?" Alyssa asked innocently, just like Zane did.

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