Ichiro Sato's execution (OC execution)

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I made this OC and execution, he is in V3

Ichiro Sato's execution:

Ichiro is in a room. He is tied to the wall on the wall across questions appear.

Lie and one of your 17 sisters or 2 of your parents get stabbed

He starts to tear up. (Some of his sister's live with his aunt or grandparents)

1. Do you love your boyfriends?


2. Do you want to die because you were bullied hard to point you almost stabbed yourself?


Wrong, 17 sisters, 1 Ichiro, 1 parent

His dad was stabbed.

3. Do you want to break free?


4. Do you love this killing game?


Wrong, 17 sisters, 1 Ichiro, 0 parents

His mom was stabbed. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

5. Did you eat lunch?


Wrong, 16 sisters, 1 Ichiro

6. Do you want to end this pain?


0 sisters, 1 Ichiro

The last 16 sisters were stabbed.

"Please... Kill me... Kill me... Please..."

0 sisters, 0 Ichiro, 0 parents

His body had 19 stab wounds one for each of his parents and sisters and himself dead. He died smiling, but his family never died.

Name of execution: Ichiro's last chance

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