In actual defense of Haiji Towa

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Y'all only care about one personality of characters. And for Haiji it's the fact he is pedo. I don't in any way like pedos. I like Haji's CHARACTER. Not the fact he'll date a child.

He fucking made the Big Bang Monokuma without Taichi's help. Also Haiji only says he is a pedo once and from what I know, he doesn't show or do pedophilic actions.

He was wasted potential and I honestly ship him with Taichi. Because Taichi could talk to him, get him help, change him being a pedo and they could become friends. Then date and get married.

Stop looking at one personality! Nagito is not only insane, Kokichi isn't only a liar. THEY ARE MORE THEN ONE PERSONALITY!

I am ready for people to say I'm a bad person for liking everything about Haiji except him being a Pedo and an abuser.

That's the only things I don't like about him.

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