Chapter 17 [part 2]

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I had understood this when I saw Lucius' desperation to have me.

If I died after the curse was reversed, they would have enough time to build another dome, or perhaps escape somewhere else.

It was the necessary solution.

'Don't say ridiculous things, Your Majesty,' the grumpy old Sir Oskel surprised me with his refusal. 'We could never do such a thing.'

'Sir Oskel is right, Your Majesty, we will do no such thing,' refused little Sir Gwen.

'In case we did, even if it were barbaric,' began Rythel, 'how can you be sure that Lucius will not cast the curse again.'

'Because I would take them with me. I know I don't have much control over my powers, but I think I can handle them enough to create an explosion that will make us all disappear. That way, there will be no more heirs, no more special powers, no more evil rulers. You will be in charge of Crescendo and Bieno will be free to find a new leader.'

The four men reflected silently.

'I still do not agree,' pronounced Sir Oskel, 'you are the heiress of the very Crey, the first King, your blood is too important to be lost. You are worth so much.'

'It is only me. My life is not worth more than that of hundreds of people.'

I found it hard to understand why they cared so much about keeping me alive, being able to risk thousands and thousands more lives.

'Your Majesty, I don't think...' Sir Oskel wanted to continue.

'Sir Oskel, I remind you that we are merely advisors, advisors to the Crown. It is only Princess Gaia who can make decisions.' Rythel confronted him directly.

It was the first time he had ever referred to me as Gaia, and after he rebuked me for not taking on the real responsibility of my position, he made me feel significant.

I was making the right decision.

'I'm glad you think so. Tomorrow we leave for the Kingdom of Bieno, prepare a small group of men. The rest of you stay here and watch for the magic to be restored. I know that you will be able to lead the Kingdom of Crescendo.'

I withdrew to the room that had been designated for me.

I went back to the trunk full of my mother's dresses. I examined them one by one, trying to choose an appropriate one for the last day of my life.

Although I was afraid, and didn't want to die, I was convinced that everything would be all right. My parents and my adoptive mother would be waiting for me on the other side and that was reassuring.

I dug and dug until I found the golden dress that I had seen my mother wearing in the painting of the old castle.

'Perfect,' I said, caressing the fabric.

I threw myself on the bed and tried to close my eyes.

I had to sleep, I had to rest so that I would be strong enough to finish everything tomorrow. I clenched my mother's necklace in my fist and let my dreams sink me low enough to escape reality.

A new dream came to me.

I was walking in the woods. The sun was shining through the high branches of the trees. It was permeating my skin. Birds were flying free and fairies were running around me holding hands. I went out into a field, where I saw a beautiful white horse running, accompanied by a black one. The field was full of flowers of different colors, textures and scents.

And in the distance, a shadow was approaching, at first slowly, until it was behind me.

'Don't do it,' he whispered in my ear. 'You have what you need.'

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