Chapter 10 [part 2]

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Confusion took over my senses. Suddenly, all the memories overwhelmed me.

I remembered one specific night, when I was six years old. It was one of those nights where the sky was completely gray, the trees moved uncontrollably in time with the wind that came and went again and again, leaving no breathing space. I was lying on my bed, next to me was my mother. She was reading me my favorite story, one about fairies and dragons.

'One more time mommy, I want to hear it one more time,' I cried out.

'That's enough for today, I think you could tell me this story from beginning to end without any mistake,' my mother joked.

'I just love the magic, I wish it was real', I said with a certain tone of resignation.

'Who knows? Maybe it is. Now, Milaia, I want you to promise me one thing,' she paused, waiting for my response.

'Of course, mother, whatever you want,' I said confidently.

'When you feel that everything around you is getting out of control, remember that you are strong, that you are special, and that you will always be protected, do you promise me that?'

'I promise.'

That same face was standing in front of me. She was young, she looked just as I remembered her from when I was a little girl. She was alive, safe and sound. I wanted to hug her, to tell her that I loved her, that I remembered every minute of the life she shared with me. I wanted to hold her one more time. But then I realized where I was. This was a lie, this was a memory, she was not alive, she was not real.

But, even if it wasn't real, what was my mother doing in front of the King of Crescendo? 

'Elina, I'm sorry I had to call you here at this hour, I know that your condition makes it difficult for you to come here often.'

King Gelon spoke to her as if he had known her all his life.

'No problem your Majesty, I am always at your service, I am eternally grateful to you for allowing me to marry Percival, I will spend my whole life making up for it.'

The King rose from the throne and walked slowly towards her. He passed by me, like a breeze, I felt his presence even though none of it was real.

'I'm only going to ask you one favor my dear Elina, only one.'

The doors of the throne room opened again and through them a woman entered, accompanied by two guards. With each step she took, I was able to observe her better, even though it was hard to take my eyes out of my mother.

She was of medium height, with dark brown hair and bright amber eyes. What surprised me most was that she was pregnant.

'Your Majesty,' my mother bowed to her, although the woman took her hands and urged her to stand up. Apparently, she was the Queen.

'No bows, you are my equal and I am yours.'

My mother smiled broadly. How I missed that smile that could ease any pain in my heart. Or her caresses, which made everything that was wrong suddenly right. My mother's love, that was what I missed most.

'To what do I owe this honor?' asked my mother, confused by the strange behavior of the monarchs.

'We must ask you something extremely important.' The King said, and gave the Queen room to speak.

'If Syform succeeds once more in his prophecy, tonight, my baby will be born,' she touched her belly as she said this.

A chill ran through my body. I knew their baby was going to die, all three of them would die at the hands of the King of Bieno.

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