Chapter 2 [part 1]

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When I saw a carriage outside my house, I got a little scared. Apparently, it was the king's order, which reassured me. As Marco would say, it was "typical Milaia" to worry more than necessary.

My father had to help me in, I could not climb that small but great distance in those horrible shoes. I will never, ever understand why women have an obligation to always be dressed up, when beauty does not lie in a pair of shoes or in the size of our waist. A woman's true beauty is in her strength to face life. To be powerful and strong, more than any warrior. Yet we were limited to looking pretty and not contradicting anything we were told.

The road was endless. Marco began to talk about how great the king's generosity was in doing this for his son.

'All the girls in the kingdom at his disposal, that boy is lucky'.

He talked and occasionally looked at me in a derogatory way, as always.

The lights of the palace were like little fireflies in the distance, as we got closer, they blinded me. I had never been so close to the palace. Two large grids of pure gold, which made the whole place seem brighter than it was, protected the castle. No citizen of Bieno could enter the palace. My eyes were pleased to see those images that seemed dreamy.

At the entrance there were beautiful flower arrangements. The carriage stopped right in front of the main door, which was wide open for the occasion. As we got off the carriage, I saw how many more were coming behind us. With Mena's help, I walked towards that enormous entrance, where two men of great stature stopped us.

'We are, we are the Pleiton family,' said my father almost whispering, showing the nervousness that ran through his veins.

'You may come in,' said one of the men in a low, terrifying tone.

As I entered the palace, I could see a long, endless corridor, the floor was covered with the best quality red carpet I had ever seen. Great candlesticks lit up that majestic place. I could see beautiful images of the Gods on the ceiling, with exquisite features.

Women of all ages, were waiting. I could recognize some of my old class mates, their mocking smiles were still intact.

We had to stop, there was almost no space left, everyone was wondering where we should go.

A soft melody was heard at the end of the corridor. Suddenly two doors opened for us. It was as if those doors were the doors to paradise. Behind them, a huge ballroom appeared, bigger than seven times my home, full of tables and chairs with extravagant decorations, flowers, and lots and lots of food. I must say that I did not feel ungrateful every day when I had to eat the small pieces of bread that I brought from the bakery. But who did not wish for all that food that was calling us, the hungry citizens of the kingdom of Bieno?

Each one had an assigned table, we had to wait several minutes until one of the butlers indicated which was ours. In the center of our table was a large turkey, surrounded by small pieces of fruit, a delight to behold. I was surprised to see how many of my neighbors and history class mates did not even bother to look at the magnificent feast. They all really took this engagement thing seriously.

'Milaia, please don't be disrespectful, no one can eat until the king and prince come out and say so,' Marco scolded me when I stretched out for a fruit.

The orchestra stopped playing for a second and everyone got up. I figured it was time for the organizers of the extravagant dinner to show up. Not wanting to, I got up from my seat and closed my eyes, telling myself that it would all be over soon.

One of the men at the entrance stood in the middle of the room, took a big breath and shouted for everyone to hear:

'Please welcome our beloved King Lucius and his heir and son, Prince Jonah,' everyone began to applaud and shout wildly. I didn't understand it, I mean, didn't they see it? Yes, I was grateful for the food and the good treatment, but was it fair that they should have a golden plate when their people were in despair because of the hunger that was occurring every day?

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