Christmas Lights - Shotaro

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"Ah, (Y/N)? Let's take a picture here!" Your boyfriend Shotaro called out behind you.

"I'll be there!" You looked away from the brilliant display of Christmas lights and walked over to him, he was under a small canopy of white lights with a huge smile on his face while he waved you over. He was right next to a messy but charming bundle of lights that you could only assume was supposed to mimic a bouquet of sorts "Wait, wait, stay just like that! I'm going to take a picture of you there first!" You took your phone out and walked a bit closer to him, focusing the camera first on the lights and snapping a picture, then you focused it on him and took another. You looked at the results first, in the second picture you were almost entranced by the way the lights reflected off of Shotaro's eyes, it had a slight playful atmosphere to it.

"Can I see?" He walks next to you and looks at the picture. "Wow, I look cute!" He gushes.

"You always look cute," you laughed. "I had to take the picture while I had the chance," you let him move you to the light fixture. He snapped a quick selfie with you, and maybe five more, before he took out his polaroid.

"My turn to take a picture of you," he hops back and holds the camera up.

"Should I do something cute?"

"You're already cute," he chuckles. He takes a picture and places the developing polaroid in his pocket.

"Just one?" You asked him.


"Can I see it?"


"Hey! Why not?" You feigned hurt and he laughed.

"It hasn't developed yet," he says. You both walk down the rest of the Christmas Light showcase slowly, taking your time with each other. You had to be honest, when Shotaro brought the idea up to you, you had originally thought the displays would be rather gaudy, but it was actually the opposite. You've always been a simple person, and so has he, so when you both arrived at the simply minimalistic light display you immediately found it charming. Not to mention the cute pictures you've both taken, it's a shame that you couldn't post them because, you know, your boyfriend's an idol. The media would have a field day. You were lucky enough that not a lot of people were here, and the ones that were didn't seem to recognize Shotaro at the very least. "Hey, I appreciate you flying out to Korea for me," Shotaro suddenly says.

"Of course, I had to support your big debut! We've been waiting for this! And like hell I was gonna miss it," you pulled him next to a coffee stand and ordered two regulars before continuing. "You know we're all proud of you, right?" You handed him the warm drink and he took it with both hands.

"Yeah, I know, I'll be a bit honest, I was really scared when I first debuted, I saw everything on Twitter," he admits sadly. "The older members told me not to worry about it, but I couldn't help but let it get to my head a little."

"I know, I saw them too. Your parents were so upset," you sighed.

"Good thing you came when you did! I don't think I would've felt too good if you didn't," Shotaro smiles.

"I know what it's like to travel to a country by yourself and, you know, live there. So I wanted to give you all the support I can!" You reassured him. The lights in front of you started to grow dim and you and Shotaro immediately turned to them. "Ah, I almost forgot, they said that they would have a small light show at the front, right?" You watched the beautiful array of colors changing at modest speeds to the track that played overhead. They were bursts of cool colors, blues, purples, and indigos alike. They were certainly a sight to behold.

Shotaro, however, was looking at a different beauty. He couldn't help but admire the way the lights landed on you, he was as mesmerized as you were. What did he do to deserve you, truly? Coming out all the way from Japan to Korea just to support him, surely you could have been doing something else, going to classes, getting a job, etc., but no, you're standing right next to him. You didn't even bat an eye when he warned you about being seen in public with him, 'To hell with it' you said, it didn't matter what anyone else said about it, your relationship was between you and him. Shotaro admired you in more ways than one, certainly. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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