Blizzards - Yangyang

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"Man... this is lame..." Yangyang frowns, looking behind the curtains of the cabin.

"So you won't be able to make it back in time for the beginning rehearsals?" His manager speaks on the other side of the phone.

"No, I don't think we can leave safely for a few days," Yangyang backed up from the freezing window pane, the sound of the rushing snow and winds whistling across the cabin.

"I see, it can't be helped. I'll tell the others. Just come down when you think it's safe," the manager says. He hangs up the phone first and Yangyang places it down on the table. You popped your head out from the kitchen.

"What did he say?" Your voice was hopeful, and it only widened when a confident smile appeared on his face. "Shut up!"

"Three more days!" He punched the air and you both screamed in excitement.

"Hell yeah!" You jumped on the couch next to him and he tossed you a game controller.

"Best two out of three, (L/N)," he boots up the playstation and started up street fighter.

"Ha! I'll kick your ass like last time," you picked your main and he picked his.

Alright, alright, so actually maybe Yangyang did know about the blizzard and maybe that's why he specifically rented this cabin three days before said blizzard so he would coincidentally be snowed in because of said blizzard and would be able to spend time with his lovely girlfriend before end of the year shows kick off again. But did anyone know about this? No... well... except for Renjun but Yangyang knows that boy won't snitch. Anyway, with that said you had no clue that was his ulterior motive because he was certain that you'd talk him out of it. Could you blame him? Poor kid hasn't seen you for months now, especially because WayV started promoting in Korea for whatever reason, it was a miracle that you agreed to fly out to join him.

"Wait! Wait, no, stop it!" Yangyang started button mashing while you hit your perfect combo.

"Aww, come on, Yangyang! You can do it," you nudged his leg lightly with your foot while you continued to hit him with chain combos. "Dang, when'd you get so bad at this?" You continued to tease him.

"More like when'd you get so good," he recovered quickly and immediately started his pay back.

"But damn no wonder the PS5's so expensive, this is nice," you continued to commentate calmly while Yangyang started trying harder.

Alright, so maybe he was a little out of practice, but he's been in and out of schedule so that's not his fault! He glanced over to you while he was trying to remember his old strategies and, good god, the audacity you had to look so calm.

He could fix that.

"Two years ago."

"Don't you dare bring that up."


"Stop it!"

"Walked in on us."

"I will literally lock you out of this cabin, Liu Yangyang."

"Ma—" You finished off his character and threw a pillow at his face. "This is war!"

"Wait! Wait!" You grabbed his remote and placed them safely off to the side where they wouldn't become collateral damage, then you grabbed another pillow and hurled it at him. He blocked with his own pillow, grabbing the throw blanket and tossing it your way. You were able to successfully move away before you could get trapped in the make shift net and, after grabbing the second pillow you brandished them harshly.

"You've been practicing since the last time we fought, I see," you could see Yangyang getting more competitive.

"I took out eight months apart as an opportunity, my dear," you pulled off your best RPG character impression.

"I see—" Yangyang is cut off by the sound of a door slamming. You both gasped and ran towards each other, huddling behind a couch. After a minute you both looked at each other and started laughing. "Oh my god..."

"We're so stupid!" You said between giggles. "Let me check if I left the window open downstairs," you stood up but Yangyang pulled you back down.

"Later!" He whined.

"If there's snow in the cabin you're cleaning it up by yourself."

"Okay go check!" He pushed you lightly and you laughed again.

"I'm going, I'm going," you stood up again and descended the stairs. You had to be honest, it was so refreshing to be with Yangyang again after, as afore mentioned, eight months of being apart. You never really knew how boring your life has been until you received an impromptu call from your boyfriend telling you to pack your things because he bought you tickets to Korea. You walked into the downstairs bedroom and saw the window wide open, luckily no snow has made it in save for the puddle of water beneath the window, but that's easily taken care of. You shut it first before cleaning up the mess.

Yangyang, on the other hand, lay sprawled across the carpeted floor on the second floor, staring at the victory screen on the TV.

God, he missed you.

And he didn't realize how much until he saw you knock on the door of the cabin, the way your expression lit up was the best way for all his fatigue to just disappear. He needed this, a break from all the promotions and, unsurprisingly, from WayV just for a moment. Don't get him wrong, he loves the guys, but after being around them 24/7... I'm sure you get it. Yangyang heard your footsteps start to ascend the staircase again and he couldn't stop the boyish smile from rising on his face again. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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