Trains - Kun

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"Finally, I made it," Kun opens the train cabin door and walks in, sitting on the seat in front of you with, what was previously, your lost luggage.

"Oh my god, you found it," you gasped while he rolled it over to you, you opened the small luggage and looked inside, seeing everything as you left it.

You and Kun had actually traveled out of the country for the holidays, fancy, right? Well, actually, he was on schedule, but he figured that since he'd be on break after he'd bring you with him and you could both have a vacation together afterwards. Unfortunately your plane took a detour and you landed way too far from your destination, and SM being SM gave him train tickets to get to the destination, which was a remarkable eight hours away by train. Naturally you were both pissed, for a lack of a better term, but it is what it is, they had to get what was available at the last minute, at least it was a nice passenger's train with private rooms for its passengers, you both digressed. But to make matters worse, the train staff lost your luggage, which you and Kun spent a considerable amount of time locating until he found it himself a few carriages over and... it's just been a mess.

"This is one way to spend the holidays, isn't it?" He laughs tiredly, making the best out of the situation.

"On the bright side, you can sleep longer, love," you laughed along with him and pulled your legs up to your chest, leaning back on the comfortable seats of the train. "This isn't so bad, they even had a cute trolley come down and give us free snacks for the inconvenience."


"Yeah, I put them up here so that they would't be a mess, you want one?"

"Yes, please," he looked up at the luggage compartment and you took out a small box.

"They had cake so I got us two slices," Kun pulled the table down as you spoke. You placed the box on the table and climbed down from the seat, holding two forks and handing him one.

"What kind?"

"Strawberry vanilla, I think," you opened the box and two slices of cake sat before the both of you. "They're cute, right?" You cooed gently, taking a bite of your slice. The taste was certainly your money's worth, if you paid for it, that is. The sweet delicacy was just right, not too overpowering and not too underwhelming, and not to mention the presentation was one to be envied as well.

"They are," Kun ate his next. "But not as cute as you," he tried his hand at a pick-up line but your laughter betrayed you.

"I appreciate the compliment, love, but you have to admit that what you said just now was so cheesy," you covered your mouth and laughed. Kun sighed but chuckled along with you.

"I should've known that taking compliment advice from Xuxi wouldn't have been the best choice," Kun says and you laughed even more.

"Ah! I can hear him saying it too!" You had on a wide grin before continuing to eat your cake.

This might seem out of the blue, but you really were ecstatic to be with Kun, especially around this time of the year. There was always something about the holiday season that would bring the best out of both of you, despite your hiccups, you'd always bounce back easier. Even with the series of events that happened today, in the end you were just glad to be spending it with Kun and, you'd never say this out loud, but you were glad SM went with the long distance passenger train. What would've been a three hour flight with Kun was now extended and, hey, more time for the both of you to catch up before his vacation finally kicks off and who were you to say no to that? You just hoped that the staff wouldn't chew him out when he arrived, or else you'd chew them out too and no one wants that.

Kun's phone buzzed on the table next to the cakes and both of your eyes immediately went to it, it was the WayV group chat, blowing up his phone with twenty messages a minute.

"Goodness, is everything alright?" You asked him. Kun opened his messages and smiled.

"It's nothing," he showed you the screen, a bunch of the same message, or messages of similar meaning, filled the screen, all reminding him to tell you that they said 'hi' and that they missed you.

"Aww, they're so sweet," a soft smile rose on your face and Kun couldn't help but marvel at you. I mean, when isn't he? You always amazed him every day, from how understanding you were to how easy to get along with you were with anyone really, he envied that about you. Him being him he always overthinks things, how should he sit, how should he speak, he was always afraid that someone was listening, but when he was with you he could let all those barriers drop and just be him. It was something he wouldn't give up for the world and, because of that, maybe he did secretly appeal to his manager to extend their trip together somehow and maybe his manager obliged but no one would ever know, unfortunately. While you were still staring at the texts that WayV continued to send with wondrous curiosity, he glanced out the window to see the wondrous snowy landscape. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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