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Violet's P.O.V

We meandered slowly towards the post office to ask for directions to Dismal Drive, we'd never heard of it.

"What if they don't remember us!?!?"

"Klaus," I sighed. My brother really was stupid sometimes. "We've been gone a year, not ten."

"True...Hey Violet, do you think-" I laughed.

"Do I think Isadora likes you?" He turned pink. "Yes, the last time I saw her I mean which was a year ago so..."

"Don't get my hopes up?"

"Yeah. Which remiiiinds me;" He wiggled his eyebrows. "What are you gonna do when you see Duuuuncaaan?" I shoved his shoulder.

"Shut it! You tell him and I guarantee you will regret it fOuR eYeS!" He stared at me.

"Four eyes? That's the best you got?" I racked my brains.

"NeRD...NERDY LIL' TWAT!" I shouted way too loud. A passerby looked extremely concerned. I waved apologetically. My brother proceeded to laugh hysterically at me, which encouraged Sunny and Bea to do the same. (violet: -_-)

"I suck at insults, I kNoW! no need for you to..." I grabbed his head and did that weird...affectionate headlock thing. (wHAT DO YOU CALL THOSE? DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I MEAN?) "...RUB IT IN AHAHAAH!"

"ACK! viOlEt sToP iT!" I did...eventually. "C'mon, we've got a post office to get to!"

* * *

The post office was looking as glum as ever. The bell tinkled meekly as we entered. A small woman was sitting at the counter crocheting she smiled warmly at us.

"Hello, um, we were looking for directions; we haven't been here in a while, can you tell us where Dismal Drive is?"

"Sure I can dearie," She set down her needle and yarn, hopped off her chair and around the front with a notepad and pen. "Righty, you wanna keep going down this street 'till you reach that funny little roundabout with the statues on it and then you head down here, turn right and you're there!" She had drawn us a little picture on her notepad. She tore it off and handed it to Klaus.

"Thank you!" He said.

"My pleasure. You seem like children on a mission! What's the nature of your little trip to Dismal Drive?"

"We're meeting some old friends! We haven't visited this area in a while and we were hoping to surprise them!" I replied.

"Oh, that sounds superb! Well, I best leave you four youngsters, to it!"

Thanks again," I said "Miss...?"

"Call me Verity, dear."

"Thanks, Verity!" Sunny piped up. Verity chuckled.

"My pleasure dearie and feel free to come round again, I'm afraid it gets quite lonely around here"

"We'll be sure to return!" Klaus said. She patted Sunny on the head. Bea waved goodbye, the bell tinkled a little happier this time and we started our walk to Dismal Drive.

* * *

Verity was right about there being a funny little roundabout with statues on it. It must have been new, we hadn't ever seen it. We followed her loopy handwriting and little drawings until we reached our destination.

"This is it." I said. We looked up at the dreary apartment building. Klaus suddenly became worried.

"We don't know what their apartment number is!! How will we find them, there must be at least 6 floors!!"

"Ok-Okay. Calm down. We can just ask at the reception? Right? C'mon!" We shuffled through the revolving door and into the lobby. A tall skinny man stood behind the desk looking bored.

"Er...Hello, we were looking for some friends of ours, they live in this building? C-can you find their apartment for us?" I asked nervously seeing as this man looked considerably less approachable than Verity.

"I'm afraid that's against the rules. That information is classified." He said wearily.

"Please, we haven't seen them in so long! The Quagmires-"

"You're looking for those brats? Oh sure I'll tell you where they are, those kids have no respect for me."

"I'm sure that's not true-" Klaus began

"It is! That boy with his maps, always leaving them everywhere, and the other boy, always writing everything down and asking silly questions, and the girl with her annoying poetry!"

We decided not to argue back because then he probably wouldn't tell us their apartment number. So instead, we stood there mentally stabbing him. (vi and klaus must always protecc their baes)

"They live at number...." He scrolled slowly on the computer. "409, 3rd floor."

"Thank you." I said curtly. We headed towards the lift. Sunny pressed the '3' and the doors shut.

"Wow. he was rude."

"Gosh, tell me about it" And then we just started laughing, for completely no reason. We would have looked like idiots if we weren't in an elevator by ourselves. We laughed until the lift dinged and the doors slid open. We stepped forward.



Klaus' P.O.V

Where. Was. The. Godamn. Apartment. It's like it just wasn't there! I- Okay, Violet found it. My glasses really are scratched.

I turned to my sister.

"I'm scared." We both said quietly in unison.

"Don't be scared," Sunny announced. "They are your friends. You have not seen them in long time, but Sunny is sure they still like you, maybe even more." She giggled and I think both of us felt considerably better. Meanwhile, Bea continued to suck her fingers and play with Violet's hair, like all one-year-olds would be expected to. But what that little Snicket girl did next I wasn't prepared for.

"Knock." She stated all of a sudden.

"Wh-what was that Bea??!" I said, extremely startled. Her first word???

"She spoke!" Violet said to me in disbelief. I stared at the little girl and she repeated herself:


Sunny sighed in frustration. "Listen to Bea, lovebirds." And Sunny knocked on the door of apartment 409.


MWAHAHA, do you like the cLiFfHaNgEr? i'm sure you do. dw, i've been planning the reunion for ages and it's gonna be perfect.

also, i am now reading ATWQ (really love it btw)




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