12 || Stone giants

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Third-person POV:

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Third-person POV:

Thorin thought it would be best to avoid the Elves catching onto the company's trail by taking a mountain pass. He had asked Leo before leaving Rivendell if this was a safe idea, and she had informed him that it was most likely not and there were other ways. Despite the advising, the company found themselves on a narrow, mountain pass during a violent, raging thunderstorm. In a single-file line, the dwarves and the hobbits climbed the steep, slippery path.

"Alright, hold on!" Thorin, who led the group, called over the roaring of the rain.

Leo nervously watched everyone in the company but kept a closer eye on Bilbo - who walked one dwarf in front of her - and Fili - who was placed not far behind Thorin. Fili had fought to walk with her, but Thorin insisted he walk in the front.

A loud clap of thunder shook the path, causing Bilbo to almost tumble forward. Dwalin quickly grabbed him and yanked him back. Leo latched onto one of Dwalin's fingers to steady herself after her heart had almost leaped from her chest. Dwalin tried to shake off the tiny hand but it was no use.

"We must find shelter!"

"Look out!!"

Through the fog and rain, Leo could see a gigantic boulder hurdling their way. It struck the mountain just above them - they all ducked and covered their heads to avoid the falling rocks.   

"This is no thunderstorms! It's a thunder-battle! Look!"

Up from the mountain across from the arose a gargantuan stone giant. The giant broke off a boulder and threw it past the group, hitting another giant that was making its way around the mountain.

"Well bless me. The legends are true! Giants! Stone giants!" Bofur stood in awe and terror at the giants.

"Take cover, you fool!" Thorin shouted to Bofur who was too close for comfort.

The company pressed themselves as firmly as they could to the side of the mountain as it violently started to shake. Leo lifted herself from the rock a bit to see the mountain splitting, separating the company; more specifically, Fili and Kili. The company had managed to stop on the knees of yet another stone giant as he rose from his mountain home. The first giant barrel toward the one new one and struck him in the head with his own, sending him tumbling back into the mountain. The giants left knee - carrying the first half of the company - had landed close enough to the rest of the mountain pass for them to jump off.

The other half of the company, including Leo, were still stuck on the giant as he continued to battle. The head of the giant had been knocked off by another as his stone body began to fall; however, his knee was now facing the mountain as he began to fall.

Leo's grip on Dwalin's finger tightened as she knew what was coming. The giant's knee crashed into the mountain, sending sharps of rock flying.

"No!!" Thorin bellowed as he ran to see if any of the dwarves - or Bilbo or Leo- had survived. "Kili!!" he called out again in desperation.

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